On 11/15/11 12:49 AM, Grant Bailey wrote:

Is anyone able to offer suggestions as to how demonstrate to the user that overflow content has been truncated, like this (see attachment).

Grant Bailey

I guess the question for me is whether I understand the question???

Set width in %, min-width in pixels, and max-width in em on the outermost page wrapper. Avoid use of position absolute and position fixed. Set the page blocks in percent. Set p with margin left/right in percent and margin top/bottom in em or pixels. That will give you desktop. high d pi laptop, and both tablets [ horiz 1024 and vertical 768].

For mobile handsets you need to add a device width meta-tag. Kick the first media query in at around 560 and then another at 480 -- this will give you vertical and horizontal iPhone as well as low through high end Android. If you need to hit IE/6 then it needs to be hacked for doubling the margins and doing weird stuff to the height such as with vertical lists.

A rough layout using these principles: <http://chelseacreekstudio.com/me.html>


Desktop. Laptop. Tablet. Mobile!

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