Hi all, 
On a current project we are debating the best way to construct our main 
navigation in an accessible & keyboard friendly format. 
The navigation consists of three levels - primary, secondary, tertiary. 

Navigation will be arranged in a horizontal tabbed format where only the first 
level will be visible on the home page.
Upon visiting a primary content page, the secondary navigation will be visible 
below the primary nav, with the tertiary navigation available via dropdowns.

Our initial thought was to use a structure that works semantically, by nesting 
all three levels in the same menu. (eg. http://www.stgeorge.com.au/ )
Pro: Semantic markup, all levels have relationship.
Con: User must tab through all secondary/tertiary links (we have many!) before 
navigating to the remaining primary links:

  <li><a>Primary 1</a>
  <li><a>Primary 2</a></li>
  <li><a>Primary 3</a></li>

Looking at a couple of other sites (http://www.commbank.com.au/personal/  &  
http://www.westpac.com.au/personal-banking/ - the banking model is a good 
comparison for us) 
it is clear that there are advantages to separating the levels of navigation, 
in our case the markup is much more manageable from a css point of view.
Pro: tab order allows users to quickly access all primary links.
Con: loss of semantic relationship between primary & secondary links:

  <li><a>Primary 1</a></li>
  <li><a>Primary 2</a></li>
  <li><a>Primary 3</a></li>


Would love to hear peoples opinions as to whether either method is preferable 
from a usability perspective, or poses any accessibility/wcag issues.

- Ben

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