Hi Kevin,

thank you for your feedback, I do recall times when this list was quite
more active :)

I found out I can use WAI-ARIA with html5 polyglot, without any aditional
schema or doctype, I was tired the other day, and not thinking straight.

The reason it wasn't validating, is because polyglot markup is considerably
stricter, relying on older specifications, so it does not allow most new
wai-aria roles and states from the latest realese candidate specification.

I'm still testing against validation, what structures can I use, and what
elements can take them (I imagine the rc specs are way ahead the validator,
one cannot really follow their examples without testing) but its better
then nothing.

Anyway, I was hoping wai-aria could fill in the gap if javascript was
unavalilable, but state change reliy heavily on javascript, so no miracles
yet. It still is nice to have some control over the NVDAs announcements. It
promisses to be a steep learning curve, and a longer headset time hearing
strange html announcements, no doubt a challenge.

thank you so much

On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 1:18 AM, Kevin L. Erickson <kevinlerick...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> I am also looking into some similar areas. Looking for replies???
> Kevin Erickson
> 804-873-0388
> On Jul 26, 2012, at 6:41 PM, Isabel Santos <unboun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've been researching for a way to use aria roles and states, to enhance
> accessibility on a web application, but it seems to be turning my brain
> into a soup of glia cells and floating neurons flashing like crazy
> fireflies!
> I decided to use polyglot markup, allthough it involved serving it as
> text-html for old trident browsers, to be able to include xml content on
> the site (wich I'm still learning).
> Since I'm using dropdown menus, that do not open on tab focus without
> javascript, I decided to try on wai-aria to improve the overall
> accessibility of the site, complementing the semantics, with or without
> javascript. And all was well, I was loving the idea and the new
> possibilities WAI-ARIA brings to the game, untill I tested it in
> http://validator.nu/.
> According to the Polyglot Markup: HTML-Compatible XHTML Documents (
> http://www.w3.org/TR/html-polyglot/)
> I shouldn't use any docktype on the head of the document besides the
> <!DOCTYPE HTML> declaration,
> and am only allowed to use the default namespaces
> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>
> <math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML";>
> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg";>
> wich by the way, I can and should omit, because they are included in
> the html5 by default.
> Yet XHTML is, according to http://www.alistapart.com/articles/waiaria/ the 
> extendible
> markup language, so it makes sense to extended it.
> Also, xml is supposed to allow for publication and standardization of
> doctypes and schemas, to avoid the need to be always reinventing the weel,
> and to allow easier document sharing.
> Since WAI-ARIA is gaining so mutch ground in terms of implementation (I'm
> gessing probably more driven by the mobile market then by the screen reader
> user needs) their should be already a doctype or a schema learking around.
> I'm not sure the one on ALAs exemple is what I need, but then again, it
> seems to have been designed to xhtml 1.1, not to polyglot XHTML5.
> I canĀ“t avoid stranging that I'm finding so few documents on the web
> mentioning both polyglot markup and WAI-ARIA, most of them refering to
> older xhtml versions, stating the incompatibility, whille telling us to
> break the standards in favor of the accessibility (no doubt accessibility
> is more important, but why should one have to choose?).
> I'm probably missing something here, this doesn't make much sense, I'm
> really, really confused, too many documents, from several different groups,
> and I'm far from an expert.
> Can any of you offer some guidance on the matter?
> already gratefull for your time,
> regards
> isabel santos
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