
I'm using latest release of WSJT-X (2.6.0-RC4) and I faced two issues so far related to my Linux installation:

1 - Suddenly the audio IN/OUT communication with the default sound system get lost and WSJT-X stop to receive and to send audio. *Please note that it happens just within WSJT-X and the default sound system,* I verified this by opening a YouTube video whose audio plays perfectly. To resolve this issue I have to "*pkill*"wsjtx, eventually delete its lock file in /tmp and restart the app.

2 - With my desktop environment (XFCE), I need to start WSJT-X with a specific *"style"* option, otherwise the band frequencies and other graphical details (buttons, menus) of the program window are resulting not perfectly adjusted for the window itself. More in detail, I use a script to start my WSJT-X which executes the following command:

*/home/marco/WSJT-X_build/.wsjtx/bin/wsjtx -style Fusion*

Would like to know if is there an option, during the program source compiling of WSJT-X, to *force* a specific starting window environment style.

3 - Please note that the issue at point 1 is *not present with WSJT-X for Windows as I could verify under Windows 11.**

Many thanks for your kindest attention!

Best regards,

*73 de Marco, PY1ZRJ (former IK5BCU)*
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