Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 3, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Bev Hiestand

Conditions of life are very difficult for workers and 
oppressed communities in Western New York. Like other former 
centers of industry and transportation, we have been very 
affected by the dismantling of heavy industry, downsizing 
and layoffs.

What solution does the capitalist class offer? High tech! 
Reindustrialization was supposed to create an economic 
turnaround in this increasingly impoverished region.

But the greatly hailed scientific high-tech revolution of 
the 1970s and 1980s has been so different than the 
scientific-technological revolution of a century or more 
ago. Those big leaps in the means of production led to the 
expansion of capitalism, but with it came an overall 
improvement in the living standard of the working class. 
Today reindustrialization has brought more layoffs and been 
an excuse for a greater offensive against the working class.

And while the imperialist war drive will bring death and 
destruction, poverty and misery to the people of Iraq, it 
will also deepen economic and social suffering here. The 
capitalist state, instead of providing resources on an 
emergency basis, is in deficit because of the economic 
crisis and because the social surplus created by our 
collective labor is being funneled to Wall Street and the 
Pentagon while the infrastructure is left to rot.

War will not bring about jobs and prosperity. The Gulf War 
in 1991 ended in an economic downturn severe enough that 
Bush Senior didn't get re-elected.

When people are losing their jobs, the budget deficit is 
expanding and benefits are being cut while corporations are 
raking in billions, it's natural to awaken to the need to 
fight back.

Now that impulse is being drowned in a frenzy of hoopla 
about "terrorist cells" in Buffalo. The highly publicized 
arrests of six Yemeni American young men has taken place at 
the very moment that the Pentagon has quietly deployed 
hundreds of Special Operations troops to a military base in 
East Africa and has positioned an assault ship facing Yemen.

It's part of the campaign to push this country in a 
direction of war. It's orchestrated to create the impression 
among the population that they are at war with the Arab 
world. It prepares the population to get ready for war 
abroad, not war at home.

In recent months we've seen tens of thousands demonstrate to 
stop budget cuts from gutting Buffalo public school 
education. In March, more than 20,000 protested the plan of 
the Kaleida health conglomerate to shut down Children's 
Hospital of Buffalo. And a protest quickly drew together in 
May when Kaleida tried to shut down a health clinic in a 
poor community.

The working class is made up of workers from so many 
countries and nationalities, so many women, so many lesbian 
and gay, bi and trans people and disabled workers that the 
potential is there for a more left-wing leadership among the 
laboring class.

The anti-war forces in Buffalo have an important role to 
play in helping workers get past this difficult period by 
demanding no U.S. war and stop the round-ups of Arab, South 
Asian and Muslim people. It's up to the radicals to give 
encouragement to beat back this racist assault. Through our 
coalition work we have helped keep the anti-war movement 
from being derailed, and keep the anti-imperialist focus. 
And we are already ordering a second bus for the Oct. 26 
demonstration in Washington.

The struggle ahead is not going to be easy. That's why they 
call it the struggle! But we are ready, willing and able as 
a party to take on the challenges we're up against. 

- END -

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