Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 10, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Gloria Verdieu

[From a talk at the Sept. 21-22
Workers World Party conference.]

Workers World Party and others have made Mumia Abu-Jamal's 
case a top priority for many years. The international 
movements to Free Mumia have been working hard to make his 
name a household word.

Why is Mumia's case so important to us? Because of who he 
is. Mumia is a true revolutionary who since joining the 
Black Panthers at age 15 has continued to speak out against 
war, racism and imperialism.

His case has become synonymous with the struggle against 
police brutality, racist terror and state oppression--all of 
which have become more profound in our communities. People 
of color, and poor and working class people generally, are 
getting a deeper understanding of the reality that Mumia 
could be any one of us.

We believe that if the power of the people is victorious in 
freeing Mumia, this will open many doors to freeing all of 
our political prisoners, including Leonard Peltier, Sundiata 
Acoli, Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Sekou Cinque, Jamil Al-Amin, 
Herman Wallace, Albert Woodfox, Sara Olson, the MOVE 9 and 
hundreds more. We haven't forgotten the five Cuban prisoners 
and all the thousands who are being illegally detained 
because of this so-called war on terrorism.

Mumia has been on death row for over 20 years. He is 
certainly not alone. The total number of death row inmates 
in the U.S. is 3,718, the overwhelming majority poor and 
people and color. California is the leader with over 600, 
followed by Texas with 457, Florida with 388, and 
Pennsylvania, where Mumia is being held, has 247. Since the 
U.S. Supreme Court reinstated executions in 1976, Texas has 
executed 281, Virginia 86 and California 10.

In a report by Victor L. Streib, professor of law at Ohio 
Northern University, there are hundreds of juveniles on U.S. 
death row--that is, youths who were arrested when under the 
age of 18 and sentenced to death.

Over 200 youths have been sentenced to death since 1973 with 
Texas, Florida, and Alabama accounting for half of them. Of 
the 219 death sentences, 81 remain in litigation. One 
hundred eighteen have been reversed or commuted.

Gary Graham, also known as Shaka Sankofa, was one of 21 
people executed who were convicted as juveniles. The others 
included 11 Black males and one Latino male.

The majority of countries have signed international 
agreements prohibiting the execution of juvenile offenders. 
The U.S. is the only industrialized country that has refused 
to adhere to these agreements.

The U.S. has five percent of the world's population and 25 
percent of the world's prison population. Some 80 percent of 
the inmates are people of color.

As of 2002, the U.S. has a prison population rate of 690 per 
100,000 people. China's rate is less than one-sixth that of 
the U.S.

In the U.S., there are over 6.6 million adults on probation, 
in jail or prison, and on parole within the criminal justice 
system. One in eight black males between the ages of 21 and 
34 are in prison in the U.S. on any given day.

We will become even more aggressive in our efforts to 
dismantle the prison-industrial complex. We will fight 
police brutality along with illuminating why the police 
exist in a society divided by class. We will abolish the 
racist, unjust, brutal death penalty.

We will work towards these immediate actions, but most 
importantly, we can link the worldwide struggles together 
and begin the business of breaking down and tearing apart 
this whole capitalist system of injustice that is destroying 
our world.

- END -

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