Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 10, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Martha Grevatt

[Excerpts from a talk at the Sept. 21-22 Workers World Party 

What a difference a movement makes! With a few exceptions, 
the hateful anti-sodomy laws that criminalized same-sex love 
are in the trashcan of history.

Eleven states and numerous cities have passed laws against 
discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation. Workers 
at numerous companies have won domestic partner benefits and 
anti-discrimination language. We can even go to Vermont and 
get a civil union, with all the benefits of marriage. Or we 
can travel to heroic Venezuela and get an actual marriage 

Transgender people, who led the Stonewall Rebellion, have 
less protection and benefits, but now there are a number of 
cities and workplaces, and one state, that do prohibit anti-
trans discrimination.

The AFL-CIO labor federation has an official 
lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender constituency group, Pride 
At Work.

Can LGBT people relax, confident that the state and the 
ruling class are now sufficiently enlightened and are going 
to do the right thing? Yes, says the Human Rights Campaign: 
"Corporate America is the unlikely hero" in the push for 
LGBT equality, it claims.

No, say revolutionary Marxists--dialectical materialists who 
understand politics by analyzing its contradictions.

Despite these stupendous achievements, how safe are we when 
the bigots can use Sept. 11 to launch a new wave of anti-
Arab and anti-Muslim hate crimes, and when GIs are coming 
home from Afghanistan and murdering their female companions? 
How safe are we, in the current climate of intense political 
repression under the guise of "homeland security"?

And how safe are we, when even as we speak Iraq could once 
again be bombed by the Pentagon death machine, which is no 
friend of LGBT people?

The religious right is mobilizing to overturn the laws that 
give us some protection; they are even trying to bring back 
the anti-sodomy laws. They are spreading racist, sexist, 
homophobic and now anti-Islamic hatred.

Let us not repeat the errors of the German movement of the 
early 20th century. For decades they had built a movement 
for the abolition of a hated law that sent gay men to jail. 
They lost momentum and direction when they supported their 
government in the first imperialist world war, strengthening 
the very forces of reaction that had held them down for so 

Fast forward to a hot New York evening in June of 1969, when 
the love that dared not speak its name became the love that 
roared and thundered and rocked the patriarchy and class 
society. In its early days, this movement opposed the 
Vietnam War and defended the Black Panther Party, whose 
support was reciprocal. The National Liberation Front of 
Vietnam was the inspiration for the name Gay Liberation 
Front in the U.S.

Fast forward to 1981, when the Reaganites threatened to 
invade Central America. A march on the Pentagon had the 
first openly gay speaker at an anti-war protest.

Fast forward to the Martin Luther King Day holiday, 1991. As 
bombs fall on Iraq, a march of 100,000 brings out a huge 
contingent of people screaming, "We're here, we're queer, 
we're not going to war."

Fast forward to this year's LGBT Pride marches with 
contingents from Act Now to Stop War and End Racism.

Class society destroyed the honor and esteem that trans 
people, same-sex-loving people, and also women enjoyed in 
traditional societies. Dialectics recognizes a law, however, 
called the negation of the negation. The brutality of the 
capitalist state made the Stonewall Rebellion and these 30-
plus years of heroic struggle inevitable.

This struggle, if it stands in solidarity with every 
movement against war, racism, sexism and economic 
exploitation, will reach its final and liberating 
conclusion: the unconditional equality, dignity and freedom 
for every gender expression and every expression of human 
love and affection. We call this socialism.

- END -

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