Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 17, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


Bush's endless march to war is creating a new generation of 
political activists.

Many of them marched last week displaying Workers World 
newspaper's headline like a poster: "EARTH TO BUSH: Read our 
lips-- No war on Iraq!"

Soon Oct. 26 will be here--with giant demonstrations in 
Washing ton and San Francisco. We want to get WW newspapers 
into everyone's hands. It will be a huge job, and our 
readers can help.

Of course, if people are demonstrating, then they already 
know they don't want this war. They probably know that Bush 
and his gang are lying through their teeth. They probably 
know that the war has to do with oil and profits.

But they need and want answers to a lot of other questions. 
What is propelling Bush and Co. into a colossal military 
adventure? Why is the Democratic Party joining Bush's parade 
even though it's getting letters and emails running 100-1 
against war? What has the economy got to do with it all?

Most important, what forces in society can stop the war? How 
can the antiwar struggle be strengthened by linking up with 
the social movements of the workers and oppressed? How can 
we build a permanent organization for social change?

They won't get any of this from the daily newspapers and 
television networks.

If you've been reading this paper, you know that Workers 
World provides in-depth analysis of the class struggle in 
the U.S., often written by organizers in that struggle. We 
think you want this kind of information--about the antiwar 
movement, the labor actions on the West Coast docks and the 
fight for reparations from slavery--to get into more hands. 
Ditto on the ongoing activities to free Black political 
prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, the mobilizations for domestic-
partner benefits for the lesbian and gay community, the 
battle to keep the right to abortion, the fight for the 
right to a job, and every other progressive struggle.

To help with the distribution of the newspaper in Washington 
and San Francisco, look for the Workers World banners and 
literature table at the gathering site. Come by to pick up 
newspapers for distribution. Try to let us know in advance 
if you'll be helping out. For more information, call (212) 
627-2994 on the East Coast (ask for Marsha) or (415) 826-
4828 on the West Coast. Or send an email to 

This struggle will continue. If you would like to get out 
newspapers in the future at activities in your area, contact 
us at the phone or email addresses above.

Let's answer Bush's lies by building the circulation of 
Workers World. It's the best antidote to militarist poison.

- END -

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copy and distribute verbatim copies of this document, but 
changing it is not allowed. For more information contact 
Workers World, 55 W. 17 St., NY, NY 10011; via e-mail: 
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