Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 17, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 gave workers the 
right to take off six weeks with job security to care for a 
new child or ailing relative. Women's groups and unions 
hailed it as a win. The only hitch was, unlike in all other 
industrialized countries and in socialist states, the leave 
wasn't paid. So instead of a right, family leave in the 
United States was a privilege, restricted to those who could 
afford to miss weekly paychecks.

California took a giant step toward making it a right when 
it passed a bill on Sept. 23 stipulating paid leaves. 
However, due to pressure from the chamber of commerce and 
other big business interests, leaves will be paid for by 
employee contributions. Corporations don't have to cough up 
a dime. Not a penny comes out of state coffers.

That's not good enough.

Corporations should pay workers for family leaves just as 
they should fund full health coverage and livable pensions. 
After all, it's the workers who produce everything, 
including what bosses expropriate in profits. But corporate 
tycoons, worried by shrinking profits, are refusing to pay 
workers what they're due. It's time to collect on the long 
list of workers' rights that are sorely overdue.

- END -

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