Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 24, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Greg Butterfield

Across the United States, thousands of grassroots organizers 
and a growing number of anti-war, labor, student and 
community organizations are mobilizing for the Oct. 26 March 
on Washington, D.C., to Stop the War on Iraq Before it 

In the Western U.S., many others are planning buses, vans 
and car pools to join a West Coast regional demonstration in 
San Francisco.

The Oct. 26 demonstrations were initiated by the 
International ANSWER coalition--Act Now to Stop War and End 
Racism--and co-sponsored by a broad array of groups and 
prominent individuals, including the Muslim American Society 
Freedom Foundation, National Lawyers Guild, New York City 
Labor Against the War, San Francisco Labor Council (AFL-
CIO), Student Liberation Action Movement, Fellowship of 
Reconciliation, Global Exchange and many more.

On Oct. 7 the Al-Fatiha Foundation, a U.S.-based 
organization representing lesbian, gay, bisexual and 
transgender Muslims, endorsed the Oct. 26 demonstrations. 
"As people committed to social justice, peace and equality, 
it is our moral and ethical responsibility to take a stand 
against an unjust war," said Khalida, a member of Al-
Fatiha's board of directors, in a statement announcing the 
group's endorsement.

Al-Fatiha urged other national lesbian, gay, bi and trans 
organizations to join with them and many local LGBT groups 
that have already taken a stand against the war drive.

And on Oct. 10 the Rochester, N.Y., and Vicinity Labor 
Council (AFL-CIO) became the latest local labor federation 
to adopt a "No war against Iraq" resolution and endorse the 
Oct. 26 marches.

The complete list of Oct. 26 endorsers now numbers more than 


On Oct. 15, Workers World spoke with ANSWER media 
coordinator Tony Murphy. He reported that there are 
organizing centers in 75 cities and towns planning buses for 
the Washington demonstration.

The volume of phone calls, letters and emails received by 
the coalition every day are indications that people in other 
locales are also mobilizing, Murphy emphasized.

More than 250 people turned out for a New York City 
organizers' meeting Oct. 10, Murphy said, and most took 
stacks of flyers, posters and stickers to distribute in 
their neighborhoods and workplaces.

The Oct. 26 demonstration in Washington will assemble at 11 
a.m. at Constitution Gardens, adjacent to the Vietnam 
Veterans War Memorial, at 21st St. and Constitution Ave. 

After an opening rally, demonstrators will march to the 
White House to make their anti-war message loud and clear to 
the Bush administration.

Among the scheduled speakers are former U.S. Attorney 
General Ramsey Clark; Jesse Jackson Sr., Rainbow/PUSH 
Coalition; Rep. Cynthia McKinney; actor Martin Sheen; 
musician Patty Smith; Ben Cohen, co-founder of Ben and 
Jerry's Ice Cream; Bishop Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit; 
President Brenda Stokely, AFSCME District Council 1707, New 
York; and Shaimaa al-Azzawa, Muslim Students Association.

Also: International Action Center co-directors and ANSWER 
steering committee members Larry Holmes and Brian Becker; 
Medea Benjamin, Global Exchange; Ibrahim Ramey, Fellowship 
of Reconciliation; Daniel Berrigan, Plowshares; IAC co-
director Sara Flounders; Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, co-founder 
of the Partnership for Civil Justice; the Rev. Graylan 
Hagler, Plymouth Congregational Church in Washington; 
transgender author and activist Leslie Feinberg; and Damu 
Smith, Black Voices for Peace.

In addition, there will be taped messages from political 
prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, former UN Oil for Food Program 
Director Dr. Hans von Sponek and actor Ossie Davis. A public 
service announcement for Oct. 26 recorded by Davis has begun 
to air on radio stations across the U.S.

Detailed information on the march--including a complete list 
of local organizing centers, bus information and driving 
directions--is available on the Web at 
www.internationalanswer.org. For more information, readers 
can also call the Washington office at (202) 332-5757 or the 
New York office at (212) 633-6646.


Nancy Mitchell of ANSWER's San Francisco office told WW that 
there is an "overwhelming response" to the Oct. 26 West 
Coast regional protest. "We have more calls and emails than 
we can keep up with, and 40 to 50 people regularly come to 
our volunteers' meetings," she said.

There are nearly 40 organizing centers for the San Francisco 
march, Mitchell reported, from California to Hawaii, Oregon, 
Nevada and Washington state. A student outreach committee is 
reaching out to dozens of college campuses and high schools.

Bay Area organizing received a big boost Oct. 11 after anti-
war activists targeted the Federal Building to protest the 
Congressional vote backing Bush's aggression in Iraq.

Protesters, organized by ANSWER and other groups, blocked 
four entrances to the Federal Building for two hours during 
the morning rush hour and had a militant standoff with 
police. Some 42 activists were arrested. The action received 
a lot of media attention, Mitchell said, and spurred fresh 
interest in the Oct. 26 protest.

Along with stopping the planned U.S. war in Iraq, a major 
theme of the San Francisco protest will be solidarity with 
the embattled International Longshore & Warehouse Union. The 
ILWU has a long history of anti-war activism and is a co-
sponsor of the Oct. 26 marches.

Following a lockout by port bosses as part of an ongoing 
contract dispute, the Bush administration recently ordered 
ILWU members back to work under the anti-union Taft-Hartley 
Act, citing "national security."

As a sign of the broad enthusiasm for Oct. 26, Mitchell said 
a store called the Cheese Board in Berkeley had phoned the 
ANSWER office. "They said they're closing the business that 
day and telling all of their customers to come to the 

For more information, visit the ANSWER Web site or call the 
San Francisco office at (415) 821-6545.

- END -

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