Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 24, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


Dozens of protesters turned up the heat on Attorney General 
John Ashcroft when he appeared in Chicago Oct. 9. Ashcroft 
was in the Windy City to announce new indictments against 
Enam Arnout, president of the Benevolence International 
Foundation, a Muslim charity.

Arnout has been in jail since April. Courts recently threw 
out earlier Justice Department charges that Arnout and his 
organization "support terrorism." Now Ashcroft and U.S. 
Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald plan to charge Arnout with 
"racketeering" because Benevolence International raised 
funds to provide an X-ray machine and anti-landmine boots to 
agencies with ties to the former Taliban government in 

With just two hours notice of Ashcroft's appearance, 
protesters crashed his news conference in the Dirksen 
Federal Building. They loudly charged Ashcroft with 
violating civil liberties and civil rights, scapegoating 
Arabs and Muslims, and fabricating charges against Arnout to 
heighten fear and aid the Bush administration's war drive in 

The action was organized by the Chicago Coalition Against 
War & Racism.

-Workers World Chicago bureau

- END -

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