Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 24, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Deirdre Griswold

[From a talk at the Sept. 21-22
Workers World Party conference.]

In China there is an ongoing debate and struggle over 
whether the bourgeois elements, the "entrepreneurs," should 
be allowed to join the Communist Party.

Capitalist development in China has gone very far, but the 
CP is still the ruling party. It has changed very much since 
the death of Mao Zedong, but it has preserved elements of 
socialist planning and ownership that the bourgeoisie wants 
to do away with.

If the Chinese CP were to decide that you cannot be a 
capitalist and a communist at the same time, we would regard 
that as a victory for the left, a step back from the 
direction in which China has been moving ever since Deng 

There was a time when many groups and parties here followed 
China's lead. They were inspired by its defense of Marxism 
and the revolutionary struggles in the Third World during 
the 1960s, when the leaders of the Soviet Union were 
promoting peaceful coexistence of the two social systems, 
socialism and capitalism.

It should be very clear now that this revision of basic 
Leninism by the Soviet CP, this abandoning of the communist 
view on the irreconcilable character of the two social 
systems, contributed to the downfall of the USSR. The idea 
that capitalism and socialism were "converging" was false. 
In fact, they were in mortal struggle, something the 
imperialists always understood.

We were among the first to hail China's efforts to return to 
the revolutionary essence of Marxism and Leninism. But 
unlike the other groups here, we didn't just adopt all the 
slogans and views of the Chinese party as our own.

I raise this in connection with our own efforts to build a 
revolutionary Marxist and Leninist party based in the 
working class in the U.S. Our focus is on finding those 
workers who are the clearest and most resolute about 
fighting this system and all its reactionary manifestations. 
We recognize that the most oppressed sectors of our class--
those with the least to lose and the most to gain from 
breaking the chains of oppression--will be the strongest 
fighters for social change.

But what about people who come from other social classes? 
Can they be members of our party?


I think we in the United States have the least to fear from 
this question--both because the working class is the most 
numerous class and because the workers here, certainly by 
comparison to many earlier revolutions, have the skills to 
be the leaders of their own struggle. They do not have to 
rely on literate and skilled people from other classes to 
bring this knowledge to them. Certainly not in the same 
degree as was true in the Russian or Chinese or other 
revolutions where the workers were a small minority in 
society, where few could even read or write.

Our party reflects a different reality. We ARE a party of 
workers. And we strive every day to become more 
representative of the multinational working class in this 

And overwhelmingly, it is those who directly feel the whip 
of reaction and exploitation who are attracted to WWP.

Certainly, the bourgeoisie is not breaking down the doors 
asking to join our party.

In China, the problem is that the party is in control of the 
state and runs society. Having someone from the new 
bourgeoisie in the party means they will inevitably bring 
bourgeois influence into the decisions made by the state. 
They are not joining the party to fight against a bourgeois 
government. They are joining to try to undermine what 
remains of a workers' and peasants' government.

Our party does not wield state power. Our aim is to liberate 
this society from capitalism by helping create a workers' 
state to replace the capitalist state. That, by the way, is 
one of the essential features of a socialist revolution: the 
appearance of new structures, developed by the masses 
themselves, that begin to contend for power with the old 
state apparatus. It is the job of revolutionaries to 
encourage these bodies to exercise the authority that the 
workers have given them and take the power.

If someone who comes from another class truly understands 
this and wants to join us, that means they have betrayed 
their class origins and joined the struggle of the workers.

Can someone truly betray their class origins and 
ideologically join forces with a contending class? It 
doesn't happen often, but there are notable examples. 
Frederick Engels was a manufacturer's son and continued in 
the family business, although he hated it, so he could help 
finance Karl Marx's monumental work in developing socialist 
theory--both in breaking from bourgeois philosophy and in 
analyzing capitalist political economy.

There is no opportunist reason for joining Workers World 
Party. We have nothing to offer but hard work, dedication, 
self-sacrifice and the joy of knowing you are helping to 
create a just world for everyone.

This is a period when the dual crisis of imperialist war and 
economic chaos is shaking up many people. There is already a 
movement of people from across the class spectrum who are 
dismayed at the wholesale destruction of the environment 
caused by unplanned, profit-driven exploitation of the 
world's natural resources.

It is a task of the revolutionary working class party to 
reach everyone with our socialist message, to make them 
understand that their energies will be most effective when 
they recognize the pivotal role of the workers in changing 
society. For years there have been thousands of 
organizations here that lobby politicians and appeal to the 
corporations to make reforms, to agree to forgo a small 
portion of their profits in the interests of the social 

But the class struggle is heating up and those methods bear 
little fruit. Lobbying won't prevent mass layoffs or 
imperialist war or the hideous effects of global warming. 
Capitalism is moving more and more into a crisis mode that 
will bring out resistance from the workers. It's more 
important than ever that we build this party, which has 
understood so correctly the world relationship of class 
forces, and provide clear Marxist leadership in the stormy 
days to come.

- END -

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