Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 31, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


The headlines and airwaves are filled with reports that the 
person or persons connected with the sniper killings has 
demanded millions of dollars, threatening to shoot children 
if the money isn't received. Of course this news strikes 
terror in the hearts of parents and other loved ones who 
have been looking over their shoulders in fear since the 
serial killings began.

The "Beltway Sniper" is the topic of anxious discussion in 
airports, barber shops, restaurants and video stores. Who 
would treat precious human lives with such chilling disdain?

Experts on criminology and psychology fill news programs 
posing the same question that's on many peoples' minds: What 
produces these serial killers? Video games? Aberrant 
individual mindsets? Violence on television and in the 

How could such a thing happen in this society, touted as the 
most democratic and free in the world?

But they leave out the most important questions. Shouldn't 
these pundits be exploring the role of militarization and 
the dog-eat-dog, get-rich-or-be-a-chump culture that 
dominates and imbues life under capitalism?

If the killer, or killers, is demanding money in return for 
the lives of children, isn't that a microcosm of the demand 
being made by powerful U.S. capital to Iraq: "Hand over your 
oil or we will continue to starve your children to death"? 
That's how it must look to the parents of more than half a 
million Iraqi children who have died as a result of the U.S.-
led embargo that is strangling Iraq economically.

Bush boasts from the bully pulpit that no one will get in 
the way of U.S. interests--read the banks' and oil 
companies' drive for profits--without paying the price in 
the blood of their parents and children, neighbors and co-

Is there any way that this imperialist policy, bristling 
with weaponry, would not seep down into the society as a 

Of course those who live in the D.C. region are concerned, 
first and foremost, about an end to the threat of the 
Beltway sniper. And people around the county and around the 
world support them.

But when the question is raised, "What kind of person or 
persons would kill for money," we think many people around 
the world know the answer. And they are looking to the anti-
war movement in the United States to disarm the most 
powerful killers of all.

- END -

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