Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 31, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Leslie Feinberg

Maj. Gen. Robert T. Clark is up for promotion. Another star 
to add to the growing constellation on his U.S. Army officer 
uniform. The fact that he commanded a base where a soldier 
labeled gay was beaten to death with a baseball bat after a 
long period of widespread harassment has not seemed to hurt 
his upward mobility.

Clark's shot at hiking himself up another rung on the 
Pentagon ladder is aided by the fact that President George 
W. Bush himself nominated him for promotion to the Army's 
second-highest rank of lieutenant general.

Clark was commander of Fort Campbell, Ky., in July 1999 when 
a 21-year-old soldier--PFC Barry Winchell--was bludgeoned as 
he slept in his barracks. Winchell had endured six months of 
harassment after he began dating a transgender woman, 
Calpernia Adams.

In the months after the brutal slaying, the Servicemembers 
Legal Defense Network reported scores of calls from gay GIs 
at Fort Campbell who feared for their own lives. More than 
200 soldiers were discharged from the base over the rest of 
the year--many voluntarily out of terror. (Gay & Lesbian 
Times, Oct. 17)

Investigations after Winchell's killing turned up a pattern 
of prevalent anti-gay harassment--graffiti, verbal and 
physical abuse.

SLDN Executive Director C. Dixon Osburn charges, "In the 
wake of Winchell's murder, Gen. Clark demonstrated the 
poorest leadership, issuing no statements against 
harassment, refusing to speak with or meet the parents of 
PFC Winchell or to reassure base soldiers that harassment 
would not be tolerated."

Yet his brass still gleams in the eyes of Bush--and 
Democrats, too.

The Senate Armed Forces Committee refused to allow Patricia 
Kutteles, Winchell's mother, to testify against Clark. It's 
a Democrat-controlled committee. In the face of protests by 
lesbian, gay, bi and trans and women's rights organizations, 
they voted to hold a closed-door confirmation hearing.

Lest anyone hope that a Democrat will lead the charge 
against the bigoted brass, don't forget that it was Democrat 
Bill Clinton who made acceptance of gays in the military a 
campaign promise in his first 1992 election bid, then 
surrendered to the admirals and generals once he had 
hunkered down in the White House. He proposed a "compromise" 
that resulted in stepped-up witch hunts against lesbian, 
gay, bisexual and trans GIs. Both houses of Congress, it 
should be recalled, were controlled by Democrats at that 

It's important to fight against the Pentagon's official 
policy. The biggest employer in the United States says it's 
okay to discriminate against and wage war on its own 
lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans GIs. But a change in that 
biased policy won't create a kinder, gentler killing 
machine. Racist, sexist, anti-gay? That's basic military 
indoctrination to create a Rambo mentality.

Be all that you can be: Join the ranks of the anti-war 

- END -

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