Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Oct. 31, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Teresa Gutierrez

[From a speech to the Sept. 21-22 Workers World Party 
conference. Gutierrez, a member of WWP's Secretariat, was 
part of an Inter national Action Center delegation to an 
anti-war conference in Iraq in mid-September.]

This past May, speaking about events in the U.S. since 9/11, 
President Fidel Castro of Cuba said, "As a leader in a 
country that has had to defend itself for more than four 
decades from thousands of terrorist actions, I can assure 
you that the constant stirring up of panic is not the right 
way to proceed--since it can psychologically affect the 
people and turn life in that immense country into an 
unbearable nightmare."

Cuba has much experience with terrorist attacks. Over 3,000 
Cubans have died as a result of U.S.-sponsored terrorism. In 
proportion to the population, that would be as though 88,434 
people had died in the U.S.

Cuba's leader knows what he's talking about when he says 
that it's wrong to instill panic. But how else could the 
U.S. government--a regime built on slavery, genocide and 
theft--handle the 9/11 attacks?

The Bush administration aimed to take full advantage of the 
attacks to launch the boldest war program imperialism could 
muster. To do this it had to justify its agenda to the 
people of this country. A wave of racial profiling and 
violations of civil rights followed.

Another insidious tactic was to constantly warn of more 
attacks. Here in New York, announcements of possible 
"terrorist attacks" have become as commonplace as the 
weather forecast. Reporters go to Grand Central Station and 
ask people if they are afraid to ride the trains.

Now think about this. If you're an average worker, not 
politically conscious, what kind of effect would this have 
on you? You have no choice but to ride the subway.

Instilling this kind of fear is reckless and irresponsible. 
But it's not surprising. It's just one of the ways the 
ruling class has manipulated events for its capitalist 
agenda since 9/11.


As communists, we were and remain shocked and saddened by 
the deaths of nearly 3,000 people at the World Trade Center, 
mainly civilians. We care about the plight of the survivors 
and others who were directly affected: people who lost 
housing, jobs and whose physical and mental health suffered. 
We care about the immigrant workers who suffer triple 

But what distinguishes us from the incredible hype around 
the tragedy is that we say it is the U.S. government and 
ruling class that put the people here in harm's way.

It is their sanctions on Iraq, their funding and arming of 
the Israeli occupation of Palestine, their lust for 
domination and control that put the people of this country 
in imminent danger.

Not that the Iraqis or Palestinians were responsible for the 
attacks. All the efforts of the Bush administration to use 
9/11 as an excuse for its war plans in the Middle East have 
turned up not a shred of evidence for that. But U.S. efforts 
to totally dominate the Middle East have enraged and 
alienated even forces that once worked with the CIA, as in 

We pointed out that the nearly 3,000 lives lost at the World 
Trade Center on Sept. 11, 2001, are no more valuable than 
the lives lost in Chile on Sept. 11, 1973, or anywhere else 
that the U.S. has led massacres of one kind or another.

I have traveled to many places in the world where U.S. 
imperialism has inflicted terrible tragedy: Korea, Panama, 
Vieques, Palestine, Sudan, Colombia, Iraq. So many oppressed 
people open up their lives and their hearts to visitors and 
ask, "Why?"

The Iraqi people were no different. When I was there, they 
shared their condolences with us on the losses of 9/11. But 
they also asked, "Why? Why does the U.S. hate us so much?" 
If we were not class conscious, it would be difficult to 
meet their eyes.

Is it any wonder that as passengers de-board the plane in 
Baghdad, the words "Down with the USA" welcome you? The 
Iraqi people have great reason to hate the U.S. government.


During the International Solidarity Conference in Baghdad, 
one of the points that Larry Holmes and I made in our 
presentations was to urge everyone not to give up on us. 
There is a certain level of skepticism and pessimism about 
the people of the United States.

But we were confident and optimistic and spoke of the great 
capacity of the movement and the people in this country. We 
said this was not based on wishful thinking but based on a 
clear Marxist analysis of history and the class struggle.

This is the time to remind the world that it was on this 
land that rich working-class struggles gave birth to two 
glorious workers' celebrations: May Day and International 
Women's Day.

During the 1930s, the struggle of the workers here produced 
many committed fighters against the capitalist system. Just 
30 years ago, millions protested and did everything in their 
power to join the people of Vietnam in stopping U.S. terror 
in Southeast Asia.

Countless solidarity campaigns have been carried out for the 
people of Central America. We fought to stop apartheid in 
South Africa. Hundreds of thousands here have defied the 
U.S. blockade of Cuba.

This is a country rich with lessons of building 
multinational unity. Many a white worker has sacrificed to 
join people of African descent in the struggles to abolish 
slavery, win civil rights and end racism.

Even the World Trade Center crisis showed how workers are 
instinctively inclined to pull together, to work for peace, 
rather than to be at war. Pitching in and solace and comfort 
were the order of the day. We all heard stories of people 
traveling here to help from many places across the U.S. and 
other countries.

The conditions workers and oppressed people face here are 
exactly why we are confident that the vast majority of 
people can be pulled away from the camp of the bourgeoisie 
to the other side of the class struggle.


When six women were killed by their soldier 
husbands/partners on a military base in North Carolina this 
summer, it told us the terrible truth about the vile culture 
of the Pentagon. But it also told us that it's possible to 
talk to service people and family members, and to recruit 
anti-war activists from their ranks.

An army built on the slaughter of innocent Iraqis is an army 
that cannot win. Armies built on the occupation of Palestine 
or Vieques or on the backs of millions around the world are 
armies that will surely be defeated.

There is no mightier force than the righteous struggle for 
liberation. The people of Vietnam, like many others, proved 
that imperialism can be defeated.

Bush's arrogant doctrine for war and domination, "The 
National Security Strategy of the United States," may have a 
chilling effect on some here and abroad. But Workers World 
Party is prepared to face this doctrine head-on.

When the anti-war movement marched on Washington last April 
20, it was a sign that, as Malcolm X once said, the chickens 
have come home to roost. On April 20--just seven months 
after 9/11--100,000 people in the U.S. marched for Palestine 
and against racial profiling and repression. Over half were 
people from the Middle East and South Asia.

Our party was instrumental in supporting this event. And we 
are confident that April 20 was just the beginning of a 
massive struggle against the capitalist class.

We want socialism in the U.S. We won't stop until we get it.

One day Ground Zero will be dedicated to the people of Iraq 
and Palestine, to all the people of the Middle East. We will 
not just pay tribute, we will make the occupiers, oppressors 
and exploiters pay reparations for their crimes.

- END -

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