Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 7, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Jack A. Smith
Kingston, N.Y.

As five buses full of activists from New York's Hudson 
Valley were demonstrating for peace in Washington on Oct. 
26, another 2,000 local residents participated in an anti-
war rally and march here despite a persistent cold rain.

The event, organized by the Mid-Hudson National People's 
Campaign, was the largest demonstration of its kind ever 
held in this Hudson Valley city of 23,000 people. Nearly 30 
local peace, justice, student and religious organizations 
throughout the region endorsed the actions and brought their 
members to take part in International ANSWER's day of 
protest. A large proportion of the participants were between 
the ages of 18 and 25.

The legendary folk singer Pete Seeger, 83, kept the crowd in 
Academy Green Park as warm as possible with his sing-along 
versions of such songs as "This land is your land."

Some 20 other speakers and singers addressed the audience.

Radical Cheerleaders--a four-woman team from the state 
university at New Paltz--performed anti-war and left chants 
in the fashion of sports cheerleaders.

Introducing the rally, a spokesperson for the Mid-Hudson NPC 
declared: "The Bush administration has exploited the Sept. 
11 tragedy to promote a right-wing agenda at home, including 
the militarization of American society to achieve worldwide 

The marchers refused to remain on the sidewalk, as the 
police permit specified, and occupied the entire street. One 
activist was slightly injured when a motorist sought to 
drive through the march.

- END -

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