Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 14, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Pam Parker
Washington, D.C.

As the U.S. government prepares to go to war yet again, the 
question on many people's minds about the "Beltway Sniper" 
case is still not being asked by the media. Are the 10 
people killed in the Washington, D.C., area delayed 
"collateral damage" from the last Gulf War?

John Muhammad cleared land mines and qualified as an expert 
with the M-16 rifle while serving in the Gulf War before 
being honorably discharged in 1994.

The person arrested with him and also charged with murder in 
the case, 17-year-old John Lee Malvo, emigrated to the 
United States from Jamaica. He was undocumented and 

Six out of the 10 murders occurred in Montgomery County, 
Md., an affluent suburb of Washington, D.C. Nearly four 
times as many murders occurred in D.C. proper during this 
same three-week period, but were given very little 

Muhammad's conversion to Islam is offered as an explanation 
for his "hatred of America," and Malvo's immigrant status 
has been used to justify the racist policies of the INS 
against other immigrants. As usual, the accused have already 
been tried and convicted in the media.

Meanwhile, very little attention has been paid to the fact 
that, over the past 50 years, the vast majority of serial 
killers and domestic snipers have been veterans of the U.S. 


Although there was endless speculation about the 
psychological makeup of the shooter(s), for weeks most 
"experts" stayed away from making the obvious connection 
between sniper training and the armed forces or the police. 
Some actually offered the view that similar training could 
be acquired over the Internet or by playing video games.

Many working class youth join the military to acquire 
marketable skills or for other economic security. In 
exchange they sign away their freedom and are many times 
forced to slaughter working people of other countries--who 
have much in common with them. So how does the Pentagon turn 
young people into killers?

According to an article in the Oct. 25 Toronto Globe and 
Mail, David Grossman, a former U.S. military psychologist, 
says that soldiers are taught to remove themselves from 
human suffering by a process called "disengagement." This 
process breaks down the natural human aversion to kill. The 
military increased these training tactics in reaction to 
soldiers' hesitancy to kill when commanded. The military 
implemented this training specifically to increase the 
"trigger pull ratio." This training is specifically tailored 
for infantry soldiers, snipers and other military personnel 
who may have to kill people up close.

Serial killings were all but unheard of 50 years ago. Could 
it be a coincidence that this tactic of "disengagement" 
appeared at about the same time?

A sampling of the most notable snipers shows a clear 
connection between military training and the propensity to 
take innocent lives. Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City 
bomber, and Robert Flores, a 41-year-old nursing student who 
recently opened fire on several professors and classmates 
before killing himself in Tucson, Ariz., were both Gulf War 
veterans, like John Muhammad.

During a six-week period this summer, four special forces 
soldiers returning from the war in Afghanistan brutally 
murdered their spouses. Two also killed themselves.

Jeffrey Dahmer; David Berkowitz--dubbed by the press the Son 
of Sam--and Charles Whitman, who killed 16 people and 
injured 31 others in a 1961 sniper shooting rampage from the 
top of a tower in Austin, Tex., were all military veterans.

In fact, the very first documented serial killer, Howard 
Unruh, was a 28-year-old veteran of WW II who shot 13 of his 
New Jersey neighbors in 1949.

However, connections like these were ignored by the media in 
favor of racist stereotypes regarding Muslims.

Racism is also the undercurrent of the breakneck "rush to 

So far Maryland, Alabama, Virginia, Louisiana and the 
federal government are battling over who should try Muhammad 
and Malvo. The issue is not which jurisdiction was most 
affected, but which is most likely to impose a swift death 

If the decision were based solely on which community was 
most affected, Maryland would be the obvious choice. The 
other authorities, however, argue that since Maryland 
implemented a moratorium on death sentences and has 
"liberal" appellate court judges who have only imposed three 
death sentences since 1976, the state is an unacceptable 

Maryland Attorney General Douglas Gansler counters that 
Maryland will indeed seek the death penalty in Muhammad's 
case, even though he's unable to sentence the juvenile Malvo 
to death. Forget the fact that current Maryland law says 
that even if the moratorium is lifted, the death penalty may 
apply only to multiple murder cases committed at one time.

The state of Virginia offers new "anti-terrorism" laws that 
enable the state to seek the death penalty for juveniles. It 
also holds anyone related to a capital offense culpable. It 
promises that even if it is shown that Malvo did not pull 
the trigger and he is a juvenile, these factors would not 
save him in Virginia.

U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, while leveling 20 
federal charges against Muhammad, left no doubt as to his 
motivations: "I believe that the ultimate sanction should be 
available here." Forget the fact that murders are generally 
tried under state laws. Whatever happened to "states' 
rights"? Wasn't that the cornerstone of right-wing rhetoric 
for years? No matter. Prosecutors in the U.S. Attorney's 
Office invoked the Hobbs Act as a way to subject the pair to 
the federal death penalty.

The Hobbs Act states that it is a crime to "obstruct, delay 
or affect" interstate commerce through robbery or extortion. 
The U.S. prosecutor is attempting to use the accusation that 
the two asked for $10 million as justification for the 

The federal government was allegedly so anxious to try the 
case that a federal agent interrupted an interrogation by 
county prosecutors and whisked Muhammad off to Baltimore. 
Which raises another question: Were these investigators 
getting Muhammad to talk about his motive for the shootings? 
And might that be embarrassing to the military?

- END -

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