Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 14, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By John Catalinotto

The huge anti-war protests in the U.S. on Oct. 26 organized 
by the ANSWER coalition have added momentum to the worldwide 
movement against a U.S. attack on Iraq.

In South Korea on the same day, student, peace, socialist, 
religious and civic groups converged at Insadong plaza in 
downtown Seoul, according to the online news service Base21. 
"The spirited rally loudly expressed their displeasure at 
the United States' plans to attack Iraq as well as send a 
clear warning to the next South Korean president, to be 
decided in December, that the South Korean people will 
oppose any efforts by their government to support the U.S. 
in the next stage of their 'war on terrorism,'" wrote media 
activist Terry Park.

A number of colorful banners were displayed, including 
portraits of President George W. Bush, National Security 
Advisor Condoleezza Rice, and Secretary of Defense Donald 
Rumsfeld, dubbed the "Axis of Evil." A Palestinian flag and 
a pink triangle waved in the crowd.

Protesters later marched to nearby Jong-myo Park. Members of 
the radical student group All Together promised, "This is 
only the beginning of our struggle. We will create a mass 
movement against any imperialist war." One marcher said, 
"Many Korean people are worried that the U.S. will attack 
North Korea after Iraq. Clinton almost attacked in 1994, so 
it could happen again."


In Berlin, Germany, former Marine captain and current anti-
war activist Scott Ritter told a conference on Nov. 1-2 that 
the Pentagon will have all the military elements ready to 
begin bombing Iraq by early December and to invade two or 
three weeks later. Ritter, whose participation in UN 
inspections convinced him that Iraq is not harboring 
"weapons of mass destruction," said he expected that the 
Iraqis would be unable to resist the U.S. military onslaught 
and that many civilians would suffer, should the war begin.

This former hawk who remains a Republican said the war could 
still be stopped if the U.S. remains isolated and the anti-
war movement mobilized.

Ritter's message to the German public was to "make an effort 
to pressure the German government to stick to its 'no' to an 
Iraq war" and to "support the anti-war movement in the 
United States." The war could be stopped, he insisted, but 
the movement had better organize quickly.

Dr. Hans-Christof von Sponeck, former director of the UN 
humanitarian aid program for Iraq, accused the U.S. and 
Britain of lying about the existence of a program for 
weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Von Sponeck said he was 
sorry the conference had to concentrate on stopping a new 
war instead of on stopping the murderous sanctions against 
the Iraqi people. A "no to the war" should go together with 
a "stop the embargo," said von Sponeck.

Others at the conference included the Iraqi ambassador to 
London, Dr. Mudhafar A. Amin; Dr. Jan Oberg of the 
Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research in 
Sweden; Barbara Lochbihler of Amnesty International and 
spokespeople from the German peace movement. The conference 
came a week after demonstrations in Germany of tens of 
thousands on Oct. 26 in coordination with the U.S. anti-war 


Thousands of people took part in over 150 different protests 
throughout Britain as part of the Stop the War Coalition's 
Halloween Day of Action on Oct. 31. It was the first 
mobilization there for massive civil disobedience.

The largest action was in London, where 5,000 people 
gathered in Parliament Square at 6 p.m. to block traffic in 
Whitehall--the area housing government ministries. Following 
speeches from Tony Benn, Tariq Ali and Lindsey German, 
protesters left the square to join up with Campaign for 
Nuclear Disarmament activists outside Downing Street, the 
prime minister's residence, for low-key civil disobedience.

Also, dozens of protests took place at universities and 
colleges, including occupations at Cambridge University, 
Liverpool, Manchester, Brighton and Leeds. In Sheffield 500 
students occupied a faculty building sponsored by Boeing. In 
Bristol, 700 people joined a vigil followed by a march to an 
army base, while in Cardiff protesters occupied the Welsh 
Assembly, halting proceedings.

Andrew Murray, chair of the Stop the War Coalition, said: 
"The Day of Action was a fantastic demonstration of the 
British people's opposition to the planned war. But it's 
only a taste of what will happen if Tony Blair supports a 
U.S.-led military attack against Iraq."

Following the success of the protests, the Stop the War 
Coalition announced a conference on Dec. 7 as well as 
another large-scale march through London on Feb. 15. The 
coalition is also preparing for protests throughout the 
country, should military action begin against Iraq.


As part of the international actions on Oct. 26, the All-
India Anti-Imperialist Front in Bangalore, Karnataka State, 
organized a protest at Mysore Bank Circle, where 
demonstrators burned a joint effigy of George W. Bush and 
British Prime Minister Tony Blair. They shouted, "No war, we 
demand world peace," and "Down with warmonger USA."

In Chennai, Tamilnadu State, on the same day, demonstrators 
from the local unit of AIAIF, including women and children, 
raised slogans against U.S. war plans. A similar action took 
place in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh State, at the Osmania 
Medical College. Speakers warned that war in any part of the 
globe hurts the unity of the workers of the world. They 
appealed to the people to develop a movement to pressure the 
Indian government, led by the right-wing BJP party, to 
withdraw from joint military exercises with the U.S.

- END -

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