Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 14, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Deirdre Griswold

An exhibit of the social photography of Bill Hackwell will 
open in Havana, Cuba, on Nov. 18 at the Julio Antonio Mella 

Readers of Workers World are familiar with Hackwell's work. 
Hundreds of his photos have appeared in this newspaper over 
the years. He has captured on film the major protests of the 
last few decades in memorable images that convey both the 
messages and the raw emotions of the protesters.

Hackwell is a Vietnam veteran whose passion for changing 
U.S. society matured in the struggle against that war. Since 
then his camera has chronicled movements for social justice, 
both large and small, often focusing in on that one person 
whose face and actions speak for the crowd.

The invitation for the Cuban exhibit features a Hackwell 
picture from 1992: a young man is pulling down the sign of a 
street ironically called "Bush" as others cheer him on. They 
were protesting a visit to San Francisco of the first 
President George Bush.

The powerful exhibit contains 45 photos taken over the last 
20 years, including one from the anti-war demonstration in 
San Francisco this Oct. 26. The show is called "Struggles in 
the Belly of the Beast" and will run until Nov. 30.

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