Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 21, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


[The following is a Nov. 6 statement issued by Cuba's Foreign
Ministry on the recent expulsions of its diplomats by the
U.S. government.]

On Nov. 1, the head of the Cuba Bureau of the U.S. State
Department presented a diplomatic note to the head of the
Cuban Interest Section in Washington, stating that officials
Oscar Redondo Toledo and Gustavo Machín Gomez, both first
secretaries at our mission, had been declared "personas non
grata" as a result of alleged Cuban intelligence activities
in the United States, and giving those comrades 10 days to
leave that country.

The very U.S. officials who presented the note acknowledged
that they had no evidence at all of the slightest
involvement in intelligence activities on the part of our
diplomats. Similarly, it should be noted that Machin is the
official who attends to the U.S. business sector and his
efforts in favor of eliminating regulations restricting
economic relations between Cuba and the United States have
greatly annoyed the anti-Cuba mafia and its allies in
Washington. In the case of Oscar Redondo, he has been highly
involved in our labors to refute the State Department's
slander and lies regarding our country's inclusion on the
list of nations sponsoring terrorism and its false
accusations on the alleged production of biological weapons
in Cuba. Moreover, he has developed respectful and friendly
exchanges with former high-ranking U.S. military officials
now functioning as academics in the defense sector.

Both colleagues were undertaking absolutely legal tasks of a
political and diplomatic nature there and were totally
respectful of U.S. laws. They are not guilty of anything at
all, but are the victims of a useless and senseless

In addition, the U.S. Mission to the United Nations
presented a further diplomatic note to the Cuban mission to
that organization accusing two of its officials of having
exceeded the bounds of official conduct and of having been
involved in activities affecting the United States of
America. One is Francisco Gonzalez Garcia, our mission's
adviser on issues related to the 4th UN Commission--
specifically those linked to the Information Committee--and
the other is Carlos Augusto Suanes Flexas, second secretary
and likewise in charge of issues related to Palestine,
decolonization and peace-keeping operations in the 4th
Commission. The note asked for information refuting these
charges to be presented within a period of 66 hours; in the
case of it not being supplied or lacking conviction, their
immediate exit from the United States was requested. Of
course, our government decided not to respond to this
infamous request, convinced that it was a political decision
taken beforehand and thus no argument would change that

On Nov. 4, our Mission to the UN was notified that the two
officials had 10 days from Nov. 1 to leave the United

The U.S. government, with the most sophisticated
intelligence apparatus in the world, has absolutely no moral
authority or any justification whatsoever to endorse these
asseverations against our diplomats.

On the other hand, the Cuban government has sufficient and
documented evidence of the subversive, interfering and
counter-revolutionary labors being undertaken by U.S.
Interest Section officials in Havana, in open violation of
all the precepts established in the 1961 Vienna Convention
on Diplomatic Relations.

The U.S. government knows that we can present ample evidence
of its constant acts of espionage and subversion against

For the Cuban government and people, the identity of the
person behind these absurd and irrational lies, their
objective and their particular timing is very clear.

Mr. Otto Reich, in charge of Western Hemispheric Affairs in
the U.S. State Department, and a representative of the anti-
Cuban mafia to the U.S. government, resorted to these and
other desperate measures just a few days before the mid-term
elections in the United States, with the objective of
generating a new escalation of irrational hostility toward
Cuba that would worsen the already complicated state of
relations between both countries. Above all, he is obsessed
with halting the unstoppable advance of forces within the
United States opposed to the policy of aggression and
attacks on Cuba.

With the proverbial political dishonesty repeatedly
demonstrated since his appointment to the U.S. State
Department, Mr. Otto Reich is deluding himself into thinking
that with actions of this kind, full of cynicism and
deception, he can halt the impressive advance of wide
sectors of the U.S. people who are increasingly advocating
the normalization of relations between Cuba and the United

For this individual and his acolytes in Washington and
Miami, the final resort in an effort to halt the march of
history is systematic lies and crude provocations like those
just perpetrated against our diplomatic officials.

Incapable of responding to the challenge of Cuba's foreign
minister, Mr. Reich has decided to continue lying. More than
144 hours have gone by since that challenge was made without
receiving the most minimal response from the U.S.
authorities, and now a fresh provocation is being mounted.

We hold the U.S. government fully responsible for the
actions of irresponsible characters like Otto Reich, only
interested in advancing their obdurate personal agendas in
detriment to the legitimate interests of the U.S. people.
Cuba has the right to respond and it will do so at the
appropriate time, using the political and diplomatic
instruments at its disposition. We will not lose sight of
the provocative nature of this act. We will not forget that
the U.S. people have absolutely no responsibility for these
crazy acts.

We will continue developing all types of relations with the
U.S. people. The expulsion of our diplomats will not prevent
Cuba's message from being heard in the United Nations; it
will not prevent our truths from reaching all kinds of
people in the United States interested in maintaining a
frank and open dialogue with Cuba, beyond any philosophical
or political differences.

These actions will not prevent us from continuing to
denounce the U.S. government's refusal to negotiate
cooperation agreements proposed by Cuba to combat terrorism,
drug trafficking, person trafficking and illegal
immigration. It will not prevent us from continuing to
expose the double standard demonstrated by the U.S.
government in its entire anti-Cuban policy.

Once again the U.S. government is demonstrating its gross
manipulation of the issue of its relations with Cuba for
electoral ends, in open contradiction to the disposition of
the U.S. people to improve relations between both countries.

As always, Cuba will respond with firmness, dignity and
intelligence to these new provocations that cannot detain
the definitive and inevitable collapse of the U.S. policy of
hostility and aggression toward Cuba, and much less the
advance of the Cuban Revolution in attaining the new goals
marked out by our people in the economic, political,
cultural and social terrain.

Cuba totally rejects these fallacious and shameless charges
against its diplomats.

Actions such as these do not intimidate and will never
intimidate the Cuban people.

- END -

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