Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Nov. 28, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Deirdre Griswold

The self-proclaimed "good guys" of the world, with all their 
military and economic powers of persuasion, once again lost 
the vote in the UN General Assembly on the embargo of Cuba. 
Lost big time. Bigger than ever.

This year 173 nations voted that the U.S. should end its 
punishing economic sanctions against Cuba. Washington could 
round up only two votes besides its own--Israel and the 
Marshall Islands. There were only four abstentions. The vote 
on Nov. 12 was the biggest repudiation of Washington's 
policy yet and the 11th straight year in which a majority of 
the General Assembly has voted against the embargo.

With the passage of the Helms-Burton law in 1995, U.S. 
sanctions on Cuba were extended to third countries that did 
business with the socialist island. This has been widely 
denounced in the world as an arrogant attempt to extend U.S. 
law beyond its borders--a harkening back to the days of colonial 

The embargo was imposed shortly after the 1959 Cuban 
Revolution, which not only toppled the U.S.-supported 
dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista but also took back control 
of the country's resources from U.S. companies that had 
milked great profits from its sugar, tobacco and nickel 
industries and from tourism based on its lovely climate, 
dazzling beaches and rich culture.

For over 40 years, Democratic and Republican administrations 
alike have followed the dictates of big business and 
continued a hostile policy toward Cuba, trying in vain to 
destroy its socialist system. Despite the blockade, acts of 
terrorism and military threats, including the 1961 Bay of 
Pigs invasion, the revolution has not only survived but has 
provided Cubans with the best medical care in all Latin 
America and guaranteed jobs and education.

In recent years, many U.S. businesses, looking for new 
markets and unconvinced that the socialist government of 
Fidel Castro will "fall any day now," have been exploring 
trade possibilities despite Helms-Burton and other sanctions 
laws. Pharmaceuticals and agribusinesses have been among the 
exhibitors at trade fairs in Havana. Two years ago, Congress 
reflected the pressure of the agriculture lobby when it 
allowed the sale of food to Cuba. Cuba started buying U.S. 
food this year. Ricardo Alarcon, president of Cuba's 
National Assembly, said in a speech before the UN vote that 
Cuba's purchases of foodstuffs from the U.S. could reach 
$200 million this year.

Despite every effort by the U.S. to kill it, Cuban socialism 
is not a "failed system." It is the U.S., not Cuba, that is 
out of step with the sentiments of the world's people, as 
the UN vote showed.

- END -

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