Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 5, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper

Brooklyn meeting


By Deirdre Griswold
Brooklyn, N.Y.

A rally against the Bush administration's planned war on 
Iraq held at a famous Black church here on Nov. 21 showed 
convincingly that the leading edge of the African American 
community is militantly against this war.

The House of the Lord church on Brooklyn's Atlantic Avenue 
is known for the involvement of its congregation and pastor, 
the Rev. Herbert Daughtry, in support of many freedom 
struggles, at home and abroad. A banner from the 1986 
campaign to free Nelson Mandela hangs proudly in the 
church's basement community room.

On this rainy night, all three levels of the church--the 
nave, the large balcony and the basement, where the program 
was viewed on closed-circuit television--were each packed 
with hundreds of people, a majority from the African 
American community.

They had come at the call of the Martin Luther King Jr. 
Peace Now Committee and the New York chapter of Act Now to 
Stop War & End Racism. International ANSWER had organized 
the massive Oct. 26 rallies in Washington and San Francisco.

>From the opening remarks by Larry Holmes of ANSWER to 
Daughtry's closing oration nearly three hours later, the 
audience responded to every speaker with standing ovations. 
They also participated in the program by calling out 
encouraging comments again and again.

Holmes addressed the question of terrorism, showing how 
Bush's war and occupation of the Middle East would only 
increase the risks for the people here. He reviewed the wars 
and economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. on the region 
over many bloody decades--from Iran to Iraq to Libya and 

If the oppressed peoples of this exploited region feel that 
no one in the U.S. cares about what has been done to them, 
he said, then the possibility of terrorist attacks will 
grow. "We need to revive international solidarity," said 
Holmes. "People around the world need to know that there is 
a movement here that is fighting for justice and against the 
criminal policies of the government and the oil 

There was also sustained applause for Holmes' announcement 
that ANSWER had called for anti-war actions in Washington on 
Jan. 18 to coincide with commemorations of Dr. Martin Luther 
King Jr., who had come out forcefully against the Vietnam 
War before he was assassinated in 1968.

"I believe we've reached a new level of unity," Rev. 
Daughtry told the crowd. "People have never come together 
this way. Our next stop is Washington, D.C. on January 18. 
Together we can win. We can stop this war." Daughtry also 
reminisced about his own experience as a young soldier being 
barred from using a public restroom while in basic training 
in the South. "I said to myself then, why should I go to 
some other country to fight when I should be fighting for 
justice right here?"

Former Attorney General Ramsey Clark described the U.S. as a 
"plutocracy," and said, "We must stand up and make the 
government represent the will of the people. And that means 
no more war."

Viola Plummer of the December 12th Movement drew the crowd's 
attention to the ominous moves made by the Bush 
administration against the government of Zimbabwe, which is 
carrying out land reform.

City Council member Charles Barron also demolished the Bush 
administration's "war on terrorism." "Want to talk about 
terrorism?," he said. "Terrorism is the police firing 41 
shots at an unarmed African man and hitting him 19 times," 
referring to the murder of Guinean immigrant Amadou Diallo 
in 1999. Barron had just returned from a fact-finding trip 
to Zimbabwe.

Rev. Paul Mayer of the NYC Forum of Concerned Religious 
Leaders pointed to the dangerous assaults on civil liberties 
now allowed under the USA Patriot Act. Himself a refugee 
from Nazi Germany, he called for unity in the struggle 
against reaction, and recalled that in the 1930s resistance 
to the Nazis was led by "communists, trade unionists and 
others." Mayer also announced that religious organizations 
would be mobilizing against the war on Dec. 10.

Besides these veterans of many struggles, younger people 
were prominent in the program, from ANSWER student organizer 
Jasmin Cruz to the church's youth choir, who rocked the 
house with their powerful and heartfelt singing. n

- END -

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