Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 12, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper



By Deirdre Griswold
New York

"Boiling" was the word that kept coming up as a delegation from South
Korea described the mood in their country to an overflow meeting at the
International Action Center here on Dec. 3.

The group had come halfway around the world to let the U.S. government
know that the Korean people will not tolerate the extreme insult and
injustice dealt to them on Nov. 22, when a U.S. military court acquitted
two U.S. soldiers of all charges in the deaths of two Korean schoolgirls
crushed by a tank on June 13.

Shin Hyo-Soon and Shim Mi-Sun had been walking on the side of a road on
their way to a birthday party when the 50-ton tank came barreling
through. Witnesses in a videotape brought by the delegation said the
tank was far exceeding the speed limit. But the U.S. court wouldn't find
the driver or the soldier accompanying him guilty even of negligent

This incident seems to have been the last straw for millions of South
Koreans, whose country has been occupied by the U.S. military for over
50 years. Thousands have been joining increasingly militant
demonstrations at U.S. military bases, and 1.3 million have signed
petitions demanding that the U.S. 1) turn over jurisdiction in the case
to a Korean court for the retrial of the two soldiers; 2) revise the
unfair Status of Forces Agreement that governs U.S. military forces in
south Korea; 3) close down Camp Howze, the base where the incident took
place, and 4) withdraw all 37,000 U.S. troops from South Korea.

The group plans to deliver the 1.3 million petitions directly to the
White House, as the U.S. Embassy in Seoul arrogantly refused to accept
them. It will also picket the White House, carrying Korean flags on
which hundreds of people have written the above demands in their own


"At first most Koreans were silent, expecting the U.S. to take the
appropriate measures," the Rev. Hong Kun-Soo told the IAC meeting. "But
then came the acquittals." Another delegation member, the Rev. Han Sang-
Ryul, said that South Korea is now "boiling over the struggle for
sovereignty and self-determination."

He and other Korean speakers linked the arrogance of the U.S. military
in their country to the Pentagon's war plans in the Middle East. "U.S.
military dominance and neo-liberalism are used to subjugate and dominate
around the world," said Rev. Han.

A solidarity statement from the New York Committee for Shin Hyo-Soon and
Shim Mi-Sun referred to the present struggle--in which for the first
time demonstrators have broken through chain-link fences and got onto
U.S. bases, where they have fought with sticks, stones and Molotov
cocktails--as a "new phase of the movement against U.S. occupation."

Kim Jong Il of the Pan-Korean Committee on the Two Girls Killed by a
U.S. Armored Vehicle brought a display of photographs documenting other
U.S. crimes. U.S. soldiers have beaten many Korean women to death in the
most sadistic and brutal circumstances. A Korean legislator who came to
the defense of a number of young women students being harassed by GIs
because they were carrying signs protesting the killing of Shin and Shim
was himself beaten around the head and face.

This tremendous upsurge in the movement against the U.S. military
occupation comes South Korea comes when the U.S. imperialists are
intensifying their propaganda against North Korea.

The latest James Bond movie, for example, is an unabashed propaganda
piece depicting Koreans as brutal torturers. It will only further
infuriate the aroused people in South Korea, who know only too well who
the real torturers are.

- END -

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