Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 12, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


As the annual spring Masters golf tournament looms, its host--the
Augusta National Golf Club--is still refusing to admit women as members
of its elite fraternity.

This policy is discriminatory, anachronistic and infuriating. And,
adding insult to injury, on Nov. 18 the New York Times editorial board
suggested that the already legendary and brilliant Black golfer Tiger
Woods--who has his own battles against racism on the manicured courses
of Augusta--should get the policy changed by refusing to play in the
Masters, a tournament he fought hard to be eligible for as a player.

This is an arrogant and conscious deflection of responsibility from the
wealthy white men who run the club to Woods. Tiger Woods doesn't even
have voting rights at the club. He is an "honorary" member. Black
golfers were excluded from the links at the Masters until Lee Elder
became the first in the 1975 competition.

The Rev. Jesse Jackson rightly assailed the Times editorial: "I don't
remember them saying to Ben Hogan and Jack Nicklaus to boycott the
Masters because Blacks are not playing." Jackson vows that the
Rainbow/PUSH Coalition will protest the Masters tournament in April if a
woman is not a member by then.

The National Council of Women's Organizations is also gearing up to
protest the exclusion of women as members of this good-ole-boys club.

CBS, which has broadcast this prestigious golf event for 46 years, isn't
leading the charge to demand this sexist policy be upended. In fact, it
has been silent on this issue, apparently hoping that "complaints of the
National Council of Women's Organizations will be smothered by public
indifference or backlash against what even some women shrug off as
archaic feminist principle." (New York Times, Nov. 25)

The demand for equal rights is an archaic feminist principle? This
reminds us of the popular bumper sticker that assures, "I'll be post
feminist in the post patriarchy!"

There's nothing trivial about this confrontation. It's not a game. This
battle for women's rights is an integral part of the class struggle,
even if the issue appears to be the right of affluent women to join an
all male country club. If these male bosses win the right to
discriminate on their days off, the result of this struggle will have an
impact on the fight for women's rights across the board.

This is a battle against the bosses. Even the Times, in its later
article, noted that the tournament is "one of the world's great
attractions for business executives who bring along their most valued
customers and clients. During the tournament the city airports are awash
with corporate jets, and limos line the streets."

Of course this class clarity by the Times appears to have been rendered
more lucid after seven days of outrage against its editorial singling
out Tiger Woods, in which it had written: "A tournament without Mr.
Woods would send a powerful message that discrimination isn't good for
the golfing business."

Golfing business is big business. And Augusta is the clubhouse for the
scions of financial and corporate kingdoms. That's who profit from the
unequal status of women, African Americans and other huge segments of
the population who are burdened by the weight of discrimination and

And that's where the slings and arrows of outraged protest should be

- END -

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