Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Dec. 12, 2002
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Jim McMahan

The Boeing Co. announced 5,000 layoffs at its commercial airplane
division in Seattle on Nov. 20. This attack on the workers here comes on
top of 26,000 Boeing layoffs since Sept. 11, 2001.

The bloodletting didn't begin then, either. Boeing laid off nearly
30,000 workers in 1999-2000 due to worker speedup and outsourcing jobs.

Once the next round of layoffs happens, Boeing's commercial airplane
employment will have dropped from 117,000 in 1998 to 60,000 in 2003.
That's nearly 60,000 workers axed with nowhere to go in a recession

Most of these layoffs are in the Seattle area, where official
unemployment has been 7 percent all year long. The job cuts are due to a
50-percent reduction of commercial airplane orders and production. But
they are also due to Boeing's mid-1990s merger with McDonnell Douglass
and Rockwell.

The layoffs have greatly angered members of the Machinists union. In
September they voted by just short of a two-thirds majority to strike to
protest the layoffs.

"We don't have enough people working now," said Mark Blondin, president
of District 751. "I've got a lot of people working overtime and
weekends. If they'd just use a 40-hour week, you could save jobs even at
smaller production rates."


The recession crisis people are facing across the country and the world
is the cyclical crisis of capitalist overproduction. Too many airplanes,
too much of all commodities from clothes to computers to office
buildings, are produced. The capitalists can no longer sell them. At
this point millions are laid off.

Karl Marx said that modern capitalist society "has conjured up such
gigantic means of production and exchange, like the sorcerer who is no
longer able to control the power of the nether world whom he has called
up by his spells."

He further said that these commercial crises "by their periodic return
put the existence of the entire bourgeois society on trial, and each
time more threateningly."

This is what is happening now.

The same day the new Boeing layoffs were announced, Congress adjourned
without enacting extended unemployment benefits. Eight hundred thousand
unemployed workers, including 50,000 in Washington state, face losing
their extended unemployment benefits on Dec. 28 because Congress
wouldn't act.

One week earlier, Congress did complete legislation giving themselves a
3.l percent pay raise.

There is no money for jobs or social services for the unemployed and
impoverished. Why?

Because President George W. Bush is working to take $200 billion out of
the national treasury for a gigantic new war against the impoverished
workers of Iraq. He's taken billions out already.

Bush, working for the capitalists, is trying to recover the profits that
corporations are losing by grabbing up the heart of the Arab world to
exploit oil profits. And Bush and the capitalists are trying to divert
the anger of U.S. workers onto the Iraqi people.

This is a war that many workers and students and others are organizing
to stop. But Boeing, while laying off wholesale, stands to make death-
merchant profits from a new war selling Cruise missiles, F-18 fighter-
bombers and other weapons.

Millions of layoffs, cuts in social services and the persecution of
immigrants in this country bring the war back home to the United States.
The capitalists who rule society are sure to face massive worker anger,
which is rising already from these attacks. And as Marx said, the crisis
is putting the existence of the entire capitalist economy on trial.

- END -

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