Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the Jan. 16, 2003
issue of Workers World newspaper



That's how casually the FBI ended its manhunt for five Middle Eastern 
immigrants whose photographs it had posted on its Web site under the 
"war on terrorism."

Turns out it was fabricated. Just a hoax.

Bureau officials blame it all on a suspect they had in custody--a 
suspect--who they say concocted the tip. How can anyone confirm if 
that's a lie, as well? If the person does exist and did give them a 
false lead, were agents terrorizing him? Was he being tortured for 
information he didn't possess?

This is no innocent blunder. Photos of the five men of color were 
published in newspapers and broadcast around the world on television 
screens. They weren't computer simulations--they are real people put in 
harm's way by the FBI.

The incident ratcheted up racist profiling by the government, aimed at 
creating fear and suspicion of Arab people. Much hoopla was made in the 
media about doubling the police presence in Times Square on New Year's 
Eve based on the "lead" about these five men--who had done nothing.

Why should anyone believe anything emanating from White House, FBI front 
office or Justice Department media conferences? All progressive-minded, 
clear-thinking people need to be on a different kind of alert: 
Propaganda alerts.

If it sounds like war hype, don't swallow it!

When Bush and his generals are finally ready to launch a full-scale 
attack on Iraq, a "Gulf of Tonkin" pretext may appear everywhere in the 
media, reported as news. Dissenting voices will be drowned out in the 
blitzkrieg of lies to justify a war by the imperial power with the most 
weapons of mass destruction of any country in the world.

Don't believe anything they say. Instead, visit www.workers.org for the 
truth, or the www.internationalANSWER.org website to find the anti-war 
protest nearest you.

- END -

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