Via Workers World News Service
Reprinted from the June 24, 2004
issue of Workers World newspaper


By Fred Goldstein

The extraordinary campaign to lionize former President Ronald Reagan has
been an insult to the workers and the oppressed of the world. Reagan was
their arch-enemy. The bourgeois media have been basking in the
reputation they themselves created for him as a leader. While differing
in their views of Reagan's politics, the entire establishment has united
in trying to make him a hero.

They tout the lie that "he made us feel good." In fact, he brought
misery and suffering to tens of millions the world over. Those who not
only "felt good" but made out like bandits under Reagan were the rich,
predatory ruling class--the beneficiaries of his huge tax cuts, income
transfers from social services to corporations, $2 trillion in military
spending, union busting and overseas plunder.

Right now the ruling class desperately needs a hero. George W. Bush's
image is tarnished since he dragged U.S. imperialism into the quagmire
of Iraq--a quagmire that deepens every day.

Reagan was a right-wing ideologue. Bush is a mediocre, provincial,
backslapping bourgeois politician--the son of a political/corporate
dynasty, who has been the willing captive of a group of right-wing
ideologues now called "neoconservatives."

While moderate and right-wing commentators bicker over Reagan's role,
Bush has been trying to latch onto the right-wing legacy of militarism
and political reaction that was the hallmark of the Reagan

The Bush doctrine of absolute world domination through preemptive
warfare and nuclear terror--as enunciated in the 2001 National Security
Strategy document, the Nuclear Posture Review, and important policy
speeches--is in many ways the ultimate continuation of Rea ganism. In
fact, the Bush policy of aggression abroad and reaction at home is the
post-Soviet version of Reaganism.

The Bush doctrine of unimpeded world conquest has been dashed to bits in
the cities and on the highways of Iraq. This early and abject failure
has come about despite the collapse of the USSR, which ended the
restraint that was formerly imposed upon U.S. imperialism by the
military, political and economic competition of the socialist bloc. It
demonstrates the limits of such a rabidly aggressive, world-conquering
strategy when it has to go beyond threats and saber rattling and face
organized, mass resistance on the ground.

The failure of the Bush doctrine shows a fundamental misconception of
the neoconservatives, who regard themselves as heirs of Reagan
concerning the role of imperialist military force in bringing about the
demise of the USSR and presumably setting the stage for Washing ton's
world domination. Right-wing ideologues habitually attribute the
collapse of the USSR to the militaristic policies of Reagan. From this
they conclude that overwhelming military superiority will guarantee the
expansion of Washington's world empire and absolute dominance in the
21st century.


The relative role of Reagan's military build-up and his "full-court
press" in bringing about the collapse of the USSR is open to discussion
and requires analysis. But one thing about the collapse of the USSR and
the Reagan policy is indisputable: the Pentagon never had to fire a shot
or put soldiers on the ground. This infamous imperialist "triumph" was
disastrous for the world working class, the nationally independent
countries that had freed themselves from colonialism, and the national
liberation movements around the world. But to the extent that Reagan's
militarism contributed to it, it was done not by the use of direct force
against the socialist camp but rather through the threat of force,
through military, political and economic pressure and the use of
indirect force--such as the funding of the counter-revolutionaries in
Afghanis tan, military encirclement and so on.

This threat of force certainly promoted the development of reactionary
bourgeois social layers in the upper echelons of Soviet society, which
were either conciliatory to U.S. imperialism or downright partial to
capitalist restoration. They all ultimately coalesced behind Soviet
leader Mikhail Gorbachev, who paved the way for the capitalist
restoration carried out under Boris Yeltsin.

Reviewing the Reagan administration's actual record in direct military
conflict, it consists largely of three episodes: the 1983 invasion of
the tiny island nation of Grenada; the 1986 bombing of Libya, includ ing
the home of Mohammar Qaddafi, killing his baby daughter; and the sending
of U.S. Marines to Lebanon in 1982, which ended up in a disaster for the
U.S. military.

Even the invasion of Grenada was done in a cowardly, opportunistic way.
It was carried out in the wake of the assassination of Maurice Bishop,
the popular leader of the radical nationalist revolution, during
internal factional strife. The leadership was disunited and the masses
were completely disoriented. If the leadership had been together and the
masses organized for resistance, even the invasion of this tiny island
might have turned out very differently for the invasion forces.

Of course, Reagan funded the death-squad governments in El Salvador and
Guatemala, sent aid to the contras in Nicaragua, and promoted counter-
revolution around the world. But the actual use of direct U.S. military
force under Reagan, the type of direct military force that the Bush
administration attempted to use to re-colonize Iraq, was actually
minimal and therefore totally untested.

It was the $2-trillion arms buildup, push ing advanced missiles into
forward positions directed at the USSR, and the aggressive funding of
and support for proxy counter-revolutionary forces that characterized
the Reagan policy.

Bush deliberately sought to appeal to the right wing by casting his
political image in the Reagan mold. Bush has carried out his wars and
domestic reaction with an "anti-terrorism" crusade and infamous threats
against the so-called "Axis of Evil"--his code words for governments
that have stood up for independence, self-determination and self-defense
against U.S. imperialism. This is a conscious imitation of Reagan, who
carried out his foreign policy under the banner of an anti-communist
crusade against Evil Empire"--by which he meant societies that stand for
the abolition of capitalist exploitation and private property.

The Cheney-Rumsfeld-Wolfowitz-Perle grouping around Bush has sought to
continue the militaristic momentum of U.S. imperialism built up under
Reagan. But their thesis that the collapse of the USSR opened an
unobstructed road to empire through military intimidation and conquest,
based upon the achievements of the Reagan administration, omitted the
fundamental fact that under Reagan there never was a major conflict
between U.S. imperialist forces on the ground and the organized working
class and oppressed masses determined to struggle.

Reagan was the beneficiary of a historical conjuncture in which the U.S.
military buildup and the huge advances in the scientific-technological
revolution in the West coincided with the maturation and the political
emergence of a reactionary generation of Soviet leaders. This
conjuncture worked to undermine, intimidate and ultimately overcome the
conservatized Soviet leadership, leaving the Soviet masses completely
unprepared and unorganized to stop the counter-revolution.

But, as the Bush administration and the U.S. ruling class are finding
out in the relatively small country of Iraq, it is a wholly different
matter to overcome an armed, organized mass resistance fighting against
colonialism and for national liberation.

- END -

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