[to a much-smaller list]

> >Suffice to say, the new namespace URI is:
> >
> >    http://purl.org/NET/biol/ns#
> >
> >I can't imagine many people have had time to implement it yet, given that
> >I only posted about it about 16 hours ago, but for what it's worth, I'll
> >keep the old documents at the old URI for the next week or so, to allow
> >any early adopters to catch up.
> Consider using /additional/ versioned URIs, e.g.
>   <http://purl.org/NET/biol/20080510/ns#>
>   <http://purl.org/NET/biol/20080921/ns#>
> from which people can access the previous versions of your ontology. The
> version-free URI, which you have chosen now, will always refer to the
> latest 
> of these versioned ontologies.
> The URI of the ontology, which is used within the ontology header, will
> always be the version-free one. But you may, as a hint to people, add an
> 'owl:versionInfo' annotation property to the ontology header, which
> points 
> to the respective versioned URI:  
>   <owl:Ontology rdf:about="http://purl.org/NET/biol/ns";>
>     <owl:versionInfo rdf:resource="http://purl.org/NET/biol/20080510/ns"; />
>   </owl:Ontology> 

I think this is probably a good approach, but I'd refine it a little bit
and say that the "main" namespace should not so much dereference to the
"latest" ontology, as the "latest release".  There can (and probably
should) be alpha- and beta-test versions which are "later" but not (yet)
suitable replacements.

Make sense?    (I've never done this with ontologies -- there could be a
problem with it -- but i think it's right.)

     -- Sandro

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