On 09/24/2013 05:32 PM, Dan Brickley wrote:
On 24 September 2013 19:15, Sandro Hawke <san...@w3.org> wrote:

So let's go back to that.    Give me an example that shows three things: the
triples happen to be the same, the metadata must remain distinct, and there
is no change over time.    As I think about it now, I'm beginning to think
it's impossible.
How about any difference of opinion on factual matters, e.g. birther
conspiracy theorists might believe: obama placeOfBirth kenya. Others
might not and each could cite URLs in support of their viewpoint?

I don't see how this would meet my criteria and motivate distinct "graphs" without involving change-over-time.

I'd address the use case like this:

 GRAPH :g1 { :Obama :placeOfBirth :Kenya }
 GRAPH :g2 { :Obama :placeOfBirth :Hawaii }
 :Trump :believes :g1.
 :Biden :believes :g2.

and I guess we can meet my first criterion by adding....

 GRAPH :g3 { :Obama :placeOfBirth :Hawaii }
 :Romney :believes :g2.

So we have three "graphs", two with the same triples. (Criterion 1 met.) We have no change over time (alas! :-). (Criterion 3 met.)

But are there any properties you could sensibly put on :g2 that wouldn't also apply to :g3? I can't think of any.

       -- Sandro


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