David Booth <da...@dbooth.org> wrote:
>Pat or Sandro,
>Regarding this discussion:
>On 09/12/2013 12:33 AM, David Booth wrote:
>> [Let's move this discussion to www-archive@w3.org please, as it isn't
>> relevant to Jeremy's comment.  All follow-ups there please.]
>> On 09/11/2013 10:32 PM, Pat Hayes wrote:
>[ . . . ]
>>> But each IRI denotes one thing, in all
>>> possible interpretations.
>> No, in *each* possible interpretation, not in *all* possible
>> interpretations.  I.e.,
>>    For any interpretation I and URIs U1 and U2,
>>    (U1=U2) => (I(U1) = I(U1))
>> NOT:
>>    For any interpretations II and I2, and URIs U1 and U2,
>>    (U1=U2) => (I1(U1) = I2(U2))
>> I.e., the uniqueness does not hold *across* interpretations.  It only
>> holds within *each* interpretation individually.
>>> (The current RDF 1.1 semantics socument
>>> makes thie very explicit, by the way.)
>> Yes, I noticed that, and the current wording is *incorrect*.  It
>> to be fixed, as it wrongly implies that RDF may only be viewed from
>> perspective of a single RDF interpretation, and that is simply
>In looking for the offending statement in the current RDF Semantics 
>draft I am not currently able to find it.  So I'm wondering if the
>was changed since I noticed the problem.
>How can I view previous versions of the editor's drafts?

Editor's drafts are all in mercurial.   Browse from dvcs.w3.org, but it's not 
easy.   Maybe you just want to like at the tr versions.

    - Sandro


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