The following answers have been successfully submitted to 'Table of content
design' (public) for Tab Atkins Jr..

> ---------------------------------
> Feedback
> ----
> Choose your preference below.
> Note: User toggles will require JS and/or markup changes, which are
>   not in scope for 2016, but could happen in the future.

 * (x) Side-by-side ToC on wide window width is great;
      user toggle as an enhancement could be nice, but not required.
 * ( ) Side-by-side ToC on wide window width is great,
      but only acceptable if there's also a user toggle. 
 * ( ) Side-by-side ToC is acceptable only if it's triggered by the user. 
 * ( ) No side-by-side ToC, ever. 

> ---------------------------------
> 2016 deployment
> ----
> Please tell us whether you can make the necessary markup change happen
>   for publications in 2016.
> Note: respec and bikeshed will be automatically updated.

 * (x) Yes, we can generate <nav id=toc> around the Table of Contents. 
 * ( ) No, we cannot generate <nav id=toc> around the Table of Contents. 

> These answers were last modified on 28 October 2015 at 03:02:09 U.T.C.
> by Tab Atkins Jr.
Answers to this questionnaire can be set and changed at until 2015-10-31.


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