On 2016-01-19 20:47, Ryan Sleevi wrote:

Hi Anne,

I must admit, I'm not entirely clear as to what you're asking.

In the case of headers that follow the #rule construct, any number of
intermediaries (or, for that matter, processing libraries, such as CGI
interfaces) are perfectly permitted to arrange the headers such that "X:
1, 3, 4" is valid, iff X follows #rule syntax (c.f Section 4.3 of RFC
2616). So any application that relies on how it was sent / received over
the wire is, in my mind, improperly coded, and not something that needs
to be supported.

Intermediaries are *always* allowed to this kind of folding; they are not expected to understand the syntax (#list or not).

The only exception is, as Mark stated, Set-Cookie. See <http://greenbytes.de/tech/webdav/rfc7230.html#field.order>.

Best regards, Julian

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