On  25 Jan, 2013, at 15:51 , Heinrich Apfelmus <apfel...@quantentunnel.de> 

> I can't speak for Jeremy, nor do I wish to step on anyone's toes, but 
> looking at the current project status, I have to conclude that wxHaskell 
> is not actively maintained anymore.
> I'm interested in GUI programming and I have got some ideas on improving 
> the wxHaskell APIs that are "backported" from FRP, but sadly no one to 
> address them to. So, I'm interested in contributing, but I don't have 
> the time or inclination to maintain a large GUI project myself.

I guess we're not the only ones in this situation. I know I am. Nevertheless I 
have spent some time fixing this particular treeCtrl bug I ran into and put the 
modifications in a git fork, to be incorporated in the main repo later I hope. 
It turned out to be relatively easy to fix, wxHaskell builds (relatively) easy 
given my system setup (OSX10.8). Perhaps some other issues (and wishes) can be 
fixed relatively easy too.

> Concerning future GUI development, there is GTK2Hs which works quite 
> well on Linux, but is difficult to install on all other platforms.

It also relies on X11 and has a non-native look&feel on non-linux platforms.

> Personally, I'm betting on browser-based GUIs, and in particular Chris 
> Done's "ji" project
>   https://github.com/chrisdone/ji
> It's not on hackage and I get the impression that Chris has abandoned 
> his little experiment, but he has still accepted a patch I've sent. A 
> small experiment on my part
>   http://apfelmus.nfshost.com/blog/2012/10/31-frp-ji.html
> has actually convinced me that implementing GUIs in this way is both 
> viable and useful. If someone else were to take an interest in Ji as 
> well, I'd be very happy to contribute.

Although I think many GUI's will (eventually) run via a browser, I also think 
there is a place for standalone (i.e. non client/server) apps with a responsive 
interface with many bells & whistles. In other words, until the time browser 
based GUI's like ji are a reality wxHaskell (and/or gtk2hs) will have to do the 
job. For some more ji like experiments see also:

  https://github.com/UU-ComputerScience/js-asteroids (using UHC)

The idea in the latter was to offer a wxHaskell implementation minimally using 
code behind a FFI, therefore avoiding as much as possible maintenance of a 
non-Haskell codebase. If not done that (or similar) way we will still end up in 
a similar situation as is the case with wxHaskell, i.e. reliance on C++ (or 
Javascript) code.

> Best regards,
> Heinrich Apfelmus
> --
> http://apfelmus.nfshost.com
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                - Atze -

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