On 3/13/06, thegeek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So far I've been able to upgrade wxLua to lua 5.1, works great except for some
> of the wxlua lua-code, which does ofcourse use table.getn and other deprecated
> functions/syntaxes, but i tested with some of the samples(modified for lua 
> 5.1)
> and it worked with no problem.
> So I have all the wxlua libs compiled with lua 5.1 and just need to integrate
> this into the lslua litestep plugin. This could prove to be a little beyond 
> me,

There were no changes in the C code? That's good to know.

> so I'll probably be looking forward to your next release.
> Good luck:)

I've already updated some of the lua code to work with 5.1, it was
suprisingly easy with this little function. :)

if table.getn == nil then
    function table.getn(atable)
        local count = 0
        while atable[count+1] do
            count = count + 1
        return count

I'll have to wait 'till next week to try the C code update.

    John Labenski

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