On Jan 16, 2008 4:58 AM, Anders F Björklund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Labenski wrote:

> My wxWidgets installation is a 10.4+ Universal Binary configuration,
> so the configure is a little (=much) more convoluted but similar.
> I also made sure to install the OpenGL and the STC components.
> Normally I build the regular wx libs as "monolithic", though.

I have to look into the universal build, I think there's something on
the wxWiki?

> I'm fine with having the bundles in "apps", and "bin" stay sane.
> If anything, they should go in "Applications" or something... ?
> And it should probably use Frameworks, instead of regular dylibs.
> Porting to Xcode projects could also be done, even more Kool-Aid.
> But that's all a lot of hassle, so might as well keep it in "apps".
> Makes wxMac more similar to the other ports (wxGTK and wxMSW),
> even if the wxWidgets guys have decided* that you need to either
> wrap the binaries in bundles or to add resource forks to them
> if you want them to be able to receive any events after startup.
> * see http://lists.wxwidgets.org/archive/wx-dev/msg83276.html

Someone mentioned python's Framework method which looks very useful,
but I cannot find any description of what a Framework is besides how
to create one using XCode. Is there a specification for it outside of
using XCode?

Could it more easily solve the copydylibs.command problem of how to
make the wxLua libs accessible?

When we install we create

   ./Current -> 2.8.7
     ./bin/   : has lua executable
     ./include/wxlua2.8.7 : has wxLua's headers
     ./lib/wxlua2.8.7 : has wxLua's libs
     ./apps/ : has wxLua.app and others

Then add links from /$prefix/include, /$prefix/lib, and I guess
/Applications/wxLua.app to wxLua.framework/.../apps/wxLua.app.

1) Do we provide yes/no options for putting it into /Applications?
2) Do we provide yes/no option for putting it into /System/Library/Frameworks?
3) Look at /Applications/iPhoto/Contents/Frameworks, since we have a
few apps do we instead put a link in the app to the framework?
    wxLua.app/Contents/Frameworks/wxLua.framework -> some good place
to put wxLua.framework. This is as opposed to putting the apps into
the wxLua.framework as above.


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