On Sun, Apr 3, 2011 at 5:11 AM, Jens Mueller <jens.k.muel...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Thanks for your answer.
> Show() works but I need full screen. It seems that ShowFullScreen() is
> not supposed to work on Linux (wxcore_appframe.i has %win in front of
> ShowFullScreen). But I found some posts where it was used on Linux.
> I removed the %win and
> $ lua -e"rulesFilename=\"wxwidgets/wxcore_rules.lua\"" genwxbind.lua
> $ make
> But still the same. I think wxWidgets supports full screen on Linux
> (http://docs.wxwidgets.org/stable/wx_wxtoplevelwindow.html#wxtoplevelwindowshowfullscreen)

It does, but it didn't when the bindings were written. You can simply
remove the %win as you did and rebuild the bindings.

> Maybe I did something wrong while configuring.

You should use the Makefile in the bindings directory to properly
rebuild the bindings. First at least have Lua compiled then run "make
-B" to rebuild.

In any case, the bindings have be fixed in CVS.


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