On Fri, Apr 20, 2012 at 1:49 AM, strawman <straw...@lavabit.com> wrote:
>> What is the text that you are trying to use?
> require"wx"
> a = wx.wxTextEntryDialog(wx.wxFrame(), "test тест テスト")
> a:ShowModal()
> print(a:GetValue())
> The caption appears as "test" and then garbage characters, and if I
> paste "test тест テスト" into the dialog, GetValue returns nil under 2.8
> and an empty string under 2.9.  "test" on its own works as expected.

Sorry about the delay, I committed a fix to SVN that I hope should
work. We've gone through this before, but I think this time it's
right. Now we always treat Lua as UTF8.

Note that it only works with wxWidgets built in Unicode mode and has
been tested in 2.8 and 2.9 in GTK and MSW.


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