On Fri, Oct 5, 2012 at 1:10 PM, Paul K <paulclin...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi João,
> Thanks again for your example, as I ended up with something that was
> closer to yours than to my original plan (as mine was blocking the app
> if the other application wasn't printing anything). For those who are
> following the thread, this is what I ended up with:
>         local proc = wx.wxProcess()
>         proc:Redirect()
>         proc:Connect(wx.wxEVT_END_PROCESS, function(event) proc = nil end)
>         local bid = wx.wxExecute(cmd, wx.wxEXEC_ASYNC +
>         if not bid or bid == -1 or bid == 0 then
>           DisplayOutput(("Program unable to run as '%s'\n"):format(cmd))
>           return
>         end
>         local streamin = proc:GetInputStream()
>         for _ = 1, 10 do
>           if streamin:CanRead() then
>             -- do something with streamin:Read(4096)
>           end
>           wx.wxSafeYield()
>           wx.wxWakeUpIdle()
>           wx.wxMilliSleep(250)
>         end

The wxWidgets exec sample uses a wxTimer to poll the stream for data.
You just have to connect to wxEVT_END_PROCESS and turn off the timer
when it exits or kill it like you do if it doesn't respond in a timely

See, MyFrame::OnExecWithRedirect() and MyFrame::AddPipedProcess()


ps. My previous comment was to confirm that you have seen the docs and
are doing all the checks. My experience with processes is that they
can be finicky if things aren't just right. In fact, you should always
connect to wxEVT_END_PROCESS in case the user or OS kills your process
for you...

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