On Sat, Oct 13, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Paul K <paulclin...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi John,
> I think it's indeed a sizer-related issue; for example, if I comment
> out the following in the editor.wx.lua example, then one of the
> checkboxes works, (it is in the top left corner):
>     local optionSizer = wx.wxBoxSizer(wx.wxVERTICAL, findDialog)
>     --optionSizer:Add(wholeWordCheckBox,  0, wx.wxALL + wx.wxGROW +
> wx.wxCENTER, 3)
>     optionSizer:Add(matchCaseCheckBox,  0, wx.wxALL + wx.wxGROW +
> wx.wxCENTER, 3)
>     optionSizer:Add(wrapAroundCheckBox, 0, wx.wxALL + wx.wxGROW +
> wx.wxCENTER, 3)
>     optionSizer:Add(regexCheckBox,      0, wx.wxALL + wx.wxGROW +
> wx.wxCENTER, 3)
> Any idea on how to fix this?

Sorry no, I may have some time tomorrow night to look at it. What
version of wxWidgets are you using?


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