On Wed, Jan 16, 2013 at 12:58 PM, Victor Bombi <son...@telefonica.net> wrote:
> Auto answering. I made a function (Collapsible) for getting what I wanted

This is fine too... see my other response.

> ///////////////////////////////
> but I have another question now:
> I need two windows (one will be for AUImanager)
> I wrote this. It does not work as I expected and also crashes on closing
> /////////////////////////////////////////////
> require("wx")
> frame = nil
> -- Generate a unique new wxWindowID
> local ID_IDCOUNTER = wx.wxID_HIGHEST + 1
> function NewID()
>     return ID_IDCOUNTER
> end
> function main()
>     -- create the frame window
>     frame = wx.wxFrame( wx.NULL, wx.wxID_ANY, "wxLua Very Minimal Demo",
>                         wx.wxDefaultPosition, wx.wxSize(450, 450),
>                         wx.wxDEFAULT_FRAME_STYLE )
>  panel = wx.wxPanel(frame, wx.wxID_ANY)
>  paneltop = wx.wxPanel(panel, wx.wxID_ANY)
>  panelbottom = wx.wxPanel(panel, wx.wxID_ANY)
>  paneltopSizer = wx.wxBoxSizer( wx.wxHORIZONTAL )
>  panelbottomSizer = wx.wxBoxSizer( wx.wxHORIZONTAL )
>  for i=1,3 do
>   local cc=wx.wxStaticText(paneltop,  wx.wxID_ANY, "top "..i,
> wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize, wx.wxALIGN_CENTRE)
>   paneltopSizer:Add(cc,0,wx.wxGROW)
>  end
>  for i=1,3 do
>   local cc=wx.wxStaticText(panelbottom,  wx.wxID_ANY, "bottom "..i,
> wx.wxDefaultPosition,wx.wxDefaultSize, wx.wxALIGN_CENTRE)
>   panelbottomSizer:Add(cc,0,wx.wxGROW)
>  end
>  paneltop:SetSizer(paneltopSizer);
>  paneltopSizer:SetSizeHints(paneltop);
>  panelbottom:SetSizer(panelbottomSizer);
>  panelbottomSizer:SetSizeHints(panelbottom);
>  panelSizer = wx.wxBoxSizer( wx.wxVERTICAL )

Don't add the child panel's sizers since the child panels already manage them.

>  panelSizer:Add(paneltopSizer,1,wx.wxGROW)
>  panelSizer:Add(panelbottomSizer,1,wx.wxGROW)

Add the child panels themselves and the panelSizer will check if the
child panels have sizers of their own to perform the layout.


>  panel:SetSizer(panelSizer);
>  panelSizer:SetSizeHints(panel);
>  -- show the frame window
>     frame:Show(true)
> end
> main()
> wx.wxGetApp():MainLoop()

This was tough to find, but by remming out parts I was able to find
where the code that caused the crash came from.


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