
this is related to something we talked before in the list.

In order to require"wx" from two diferent lanes in luaLanes I modified 
 instead of static wxLuaState s_wxlState; I have  wxLuaState* s_wxlState = 
new wxLuaState; inside luaopen_wx so that we get a different wxLuaState in 
each lane.

In each lane a wxFrame is created and wxGetApp():MainLoop() is called at the 
end of the function used as the lane body.
The first lane that calls wxGetApp():MainLoop() succeds but the second one 
fails because IsMainLoopRunning is true (as it is refering the same 
instance) and this lane ends.

The main problem I see is that there is only one wxApp created by wxWidgets 
so it is not possible to have two independent message loops. (and maybe two 
independent wxApps)

Is there something that can be done to create two different wxApp one in 
each lane?

victor bombi 

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