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Date        : 2016/12/15 03:47
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Old Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce?rev=1481773199
New Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce
Edit Summary: [Setting up your own netbootable X2Go-TCE environment] User : stefanbaur

@@ -195,30 +195,40 @@
   * ''ldap=ldap.example.com:389:cn=cngoeshere,dc=example,dc=com'' - this 
allows you to specify an LDAP server to authenticate against
   * ''ldap1=ldap-backupserver-1.example.com:389'' - this allows you to specify 
the first of up to two LDAP backup servers when using LDAP authentication
* ''ldap2=ldap-backupserver-2.example.com:389'' - this allows you to specify the second of up to two LDAP backup servers when using LDAP authentication - - ===
Adding the x2go-tce.sessions session configuration file to your HTTP or FTP 
Server ===
+ === Required unless using the X2Go Session Broker: Adding the 
x2go-tce.sessions session configuration file to your HTTP or FTP Server ===
 Again, this is assuming you already have an existing, working HTTP or FTP 
server setup.
   * run X2GoClient on any computer you like, and configure a session the same way it should appear 
on the ThinClient <note tip>when using a Windows client, run x2goclient.exe --portable, or it 
will store the session information in the registry, rather than in a "sessions" 
   * locate the "sessions" file you just created - it should be at 
   * copy it to x2go-tce.sessions
   * using an editor of your choice, edit x2go-tce.sessions so it contains only 
the sessions you want to appear on the ThinClient, and none that might have 
been created earlier.
   * log on to your HTTP or FTP server and change to the x2go-tce directory in 
   * copy the x2go-tce.sessions file with your desired configuration to this 
- === Adding the x2go-tce.authorized_keys keyfile to your HTTP or FTP Server ===
+ === Optional: Adding the x2go-tce.authorized_keys keyfile to your HTTP or FTP 
Server ===
 Again, this is assuming you already have an existing, working HTTP or FTP 
server setup.
   * locate your current authorized_keys file - it should be at 
   * copy it to x2go-tce.authorized_keys
   * using an editor of your choice, edit x2go-tce.authorized_keys so it 
contains only the keys you want to appear on the ThinClient, and none that 
might have been created for a different purpose.
   * log on to your HTTP or FTP server and change to the x2go-tce directory in 
your webroot/ftproot.
   * copy the x2go-tce.authorized_keys file with your desired configuration to 
this directory.
- === Adding the x2go-tce.xorg.conf file to your HTTP or FTP Server ===
+ === Optional: Adding
the x2go-tce.xorg.conf file to your HTTP or FTP Server ===
 Again, this is assuming you already have an existing, working HTTP or FTP 
server setup.
   * copy the xorg.conf file from the working system to x2go-tce.xorg.conf - 
actually, to something that lets you tell which hardware it is made for, like 
   * log on to your HTTP or FTP server and change to the x2go-tce directory in 
your webroot/ftproot.
   * copy the x2go-tce.xorg.conf file (or whatever you named it) with your 
desired configuration to this directory.
- + ==== Final Steps to boot a ThinClient ====
+ To boot your first X2Go-TCE ThinClient (again, this is assuming you already 
have an existing, working PXE/TFTP server setup in place)
+   * Determine the MAC address of your ThinClient. In the following example, 
we will assume it is ''AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF''.
+   * Change to the pxelinux.cfg directory in your tftproot.
+   * create a symlink with the name
''01-AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF'' (note the extra "01-" at the beginning) pointing to 
+   * After that, your ThinClient should boot the X2Go-TCE image.
+ To make the X2Go-TCE image the default image:
+   * Change to the pxelinux.cfg directory in your tftproot.
+   * run ''ls -lah default''
+   * Make a note where this symlink points to, if it is a symlink.
+   * If it is not a symlink, but a regular file, rename it e.g. to 
+   * create a new symlink named ''default'' that points to ''x2go-tce''

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