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Date        : 2016/12/15 13:28
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Old Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce?rev=1481808107
New Revision: http://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce
Edit Summary: [List of open ToDos/FIXMEs for this page] User : stefanbaur

@@ -319,10 +319,22 @@
FIXME This page is missing a section/subpage that explains how to retrieve an xorg.conf from a different system. + + Things to try: KNOPPIX Live Linux, other Distribution's Live Images (a recent Fedora or Arch, maybe?) + + Basically, in the running Linux where you have a working X Server on that particular hardware, shut down X, then run Xorg -configure, which should output ~/xorg.conf.new, which could then be saved somewhere else (LAN share, USB
stick, ...).
FIXME This page is missing a section/subpage that explains how to create images for USB/CD/local storage. + + Basically, proceed as shown for netboot above, but set LBX2GO_IMAGETYPE to iso, iso-hybrid, or hdd. + + Location and name of the output files will vary slightly, so skip the "lb clean" step until you've located them. + + Iso-Hybrid images can be dd'ed directly to a USB stick. + + HDD images mean you might have to jiggle with syslinux or grub. FIXME Some of the optional steps above could be moved to a separate subpage to reduce clutter. FIXME The steps for the build process could probably streamlined into an x2go-tce.deb Debian package

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