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Date        : 2019/01/18 20:22
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Old Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce?rev=1547773322
New Revision: https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:howto:tce
Edit Summary: [What options are available under FURTHER-OPTIONS-GO-HERE?]  - 
added info for timezone parameter (standard live-boot parameter)
User        : stefanbaur

@@ -617,8 +617,9 @@
   * ''tcedebug'' - this switches X2GoClient into debug mode and will also lead 
to increased logging to /var/log/x2goclient and to tty9
   * ''tcpprint'' - Will allow you to use local LPT/USB printers like "dumb" network 
printers (listening to port 9100 and above). Requires MAC->IP mapping in DHCP server (and 
optionally, DNS->IP mapping), or static IPs - else
your print jobs will end up on random devices. This setup is preferred over the X2GoClient's built-in printing for locally attached printers if X2GoServer and ThinClients are on the same network. It is not recommended when your X2Go connection goes across the internet or when the ThinClient is actually a laptop roaming between different networks. **Attention: When used without ''tcpprintonlyfrom'' (see below), this means anyone that can reach your thin client via e.g. ping can also send print jobs to it!** * ''tcpprintonlyfrom=x.x.x.x'' - Will allow you to specify which IP address may connect to Port 9100 and above for printing to a locally attached LPT/USB printer. This should be the IP of your CUPS server or whatever print server system you use. Understands the same syntax as ''xinetd'''s ''only_from''. * ''throttle=n|n:n:n:n:n'' - Will throttle down- and upload speed (''throttle=n'') or set throttling limits as follows:
download:upload:smoothingtime:smoothinglength:latency. Defaults for up- and download are 10 
(KiloBytes/s), 3.0 (seconds, using decimals is permitted) smoothingtime, 20 (KiloBytes), 0 (ms). 
for a detailed description of these parameters, see "man trickle". You can use the first 
1, 2, 3, 4 or all 5 parameters. To set down- and/or upload speed to unlimited, use the letter 
"u" instead of a numeric value.
+   * ''timezone=TIMEZONE'' - can be used to define a timezone other than UTC, 
e.g. 'Europe/Berlin'. This especially makes sense for MATE-MiniDesktop, but is 
nice to have in regular TCE-Live as well, because the timestamp of the log 
messages will show the local time instead of UTC. This is a standard parameter 
of live-boot, and not specific to X2Go.
   * ''x3270servers="host[:port][|host[:port]...]"'' - this is only available 
in MiniDesktop mode. It allows you to specify one or more hosts (with optional ports) for 
x3270 terminal emulation sessions that will be created as desktop
shortcuts on the thinclient. For a default 3270 connection, the port is 23 
(telnet) and does not need to be specified. For an SSL-encrypted connection 
(recommended), the port is 992. Hosts may be IP addresses or DNS names, and 
need to be separated with a ''|''. (feature available via github repo, soon via 
x2go repo too)
   * ''x5250servers="host[:port][|host[:port]...]"'' - this is only available 
in MiniDesktop mode. It allows you to specify one or more hosts (with optional ports) for 
x5250 terminal emulation sessions that will be created as desktop shortcuts on the 
thinclient. For a default 5250 connection, the port is 23 (telnet) and does not need to 
be specified. For an SSL-encrypted connection (recommended), the port is 992. Hosts may 
be IP addresses or DNS names, and need to be separated with a ''|''. Note that x5250 
support is currently not part of the standard image available via git, as there is no 
x5250 executable in Debian. You can try using x3270 instead, most modern IBM
i (System i, iSeries, AS/400) systems support 3270-type connections as well. If 
you need native 5250 support, say, with a commercial, closed-source 5250 
terminal emulator, please leave a message on the X2Go-User Mailing List and 
we'll tell you if and how you can integrate that into your build. (feature 
available via github repo, soon via x2go repo too)
   * ''xinerama=left-of|right-of|above|below|same-as'' - Allows you to specify how 
multiple screens are handled (same-as clones the primary screen to all secondary screens, 
the other commands will cascade and thus expand the screen). Note that the current 
implementation will enforce "same-as" if it detects a touch screen driver 
(wacom) and no other pointing device. This is so you won't get stuck being unable to log 
off, for example, due to your touch device being limited to one screen.
   * ''xorg-resolution=HRESxVRES'' - will force the horizontal resolution to 
HRES and the vertical resolution to VRES, e.g.
''xorg-resolution=1280x1024'', useful if autodetection for the correct screen 
size fails, but you do get as far as seeing the X2Go GUI

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