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New Revision        : https://wiki.x2go.org/doku.php/doc:professional-support
Date of New Revision: 2023/03/22 14:54
Edit Summary        : Added WirWunder parameter to donation URLs
User                : stefanbaur

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@@ -45,12 +45,12 @@
      * ...
  You can also support X2Go development via [[https://www.orca-ev.de|orca 
e.V.]], by making a donation through one of the two donation forms linked 
below, kindly hosted by [[https://www.betterplace.org|betterplace.org]]:
-   *  [[https://www.betterplace.org/en/projects/111056-x2go|English-language 
donation form]]
-   *  [[https://www.betterplace.org/de/projects/111056-x2go|German-language 
donation form]]
+   *  
donation form]]
+   *  
donation form]]
  Or, you can make a a donation to some individual contributors that have set 
up PayPal and/or flattr accounts for that reason. Simply click 
[[https://x2go.ionic.de/donations.html|here]] and select the individual you 
wish to make a donation to. (This page is served by a third party for technical 
reasons, since the wiki software cannot easily embed HTML code.)
  Note: this wiki page is only editable by the wiki administrators. This is to 
assure that this list only contains qualified professional supporters. Please 
contact the [[doc:organigram|X2Go Core Team]] if you feel you or your company 
should be listed here.

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