V Sun, 22 Jan 2012 00:27:15 +0100
Mike Gabriel <mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de> napsáno:

> Hi Alex,
> John Sullivan wrote on x2go-user ML:
> <quote>
> Anyway, I use XFCE, and I choose "Custom" in the client, and give it
> the command "/usr/bin/startxfce4" and it gives me almost the same
> startup messages as you posted, but it does connect and allow me to
> use the desktop normally (except all the clients have a bug where it
> sets the Windows window size too small when you choose a custom
> resolution, say 800x600, the windows client sets the outer dimensions
> of the window to 800x600 but of course the windows title bar takes up
> 25-30 pixels, so the window ends up being too small to display an
> 800x600 desktop). </quote>
> ping@Alex: are you aware of the above??? Can this be confirmed by  
> anyone else using the X2Go windows client?
Same here - X2Go, Windows XP. The workaround (resizing the
client window back and forth) solves the problem.

(Server is arch linux, xfce4)


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