
I have modified the existing LXDE bindings for X2Go so that it works
with Xfce.

I did some further modifications:

x command to open folder is "xdg-open"
x added generic-icon name to MIME type ("folder-remote")

As far as I understand the X2Go scripts, they check for GNOME/KDE/LXDE
and add the corresponding letters to sshfs-disk-$DE MIME type. If
none of the listed DEs is detected, the MIME type remains simply

Since xdg-open and generic-icon name is general enough, it should work
with other DE than Xfce, nonetheless, it has not been tested yet.

I also updated the debian/ files but since I am on Arch Linux, I could
not test the packaging process.

P.S. I am aware about the plans for a unified approach for all DEs,
which should make the gnome/kde/lxdebindings obsolete. So this is just
a temporary solution.

If you find it useful, will you add the x2gofmbinding to git?


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Attachment: x2gofmbindings_1.0.1.1.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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