V Fri, 10 Feb 2012 23:23:16 +0100
Mike Gabriel <mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de> napsáno:

> Hi Oliver, Milan,
> Please build x2goagent from nx-libs.git. Tarballs are available here:
> http://code.x2go.org/releases/source/nx-libs

Hello Mike,

what is the status with "make install" for the packages included in
nx-libs (i.e. nxcomp, nxcompext, nxcompshad, nxproxy, nxagent,

Unless I am doing something wrong, "fakeroot make DESTDIR=/some/path
install" leads to installation of the libs&binaries to usr/X11R6 and
not all components required for x2goagent (incl. x2goagent wrapper
itself) are installed anyway.

To work around that, I am using "install" command for all the libs
and binaries with the use of the precompiled DEB packages as a template.

A second point: in Arch linux, the X2Go packages (incl. nx-libs) are in
AUR (user-contributed repository), which does not support so called
split packages (i.e. I cannot compile the nx-libs tar ball and
create several packages in one go like you do in Debian) [1].

So at the moment, the semi-automatic build process has to download and
compile major part of nx-libs repeatedly for each of the dependency
(nxcomp: requires nx-x11; nxagent: requires nx-x11, nxcomp,
nxcompext, ..., nx-x11; etc...). It works, nonetheless it is slow and

How difficult would it be to have the Makefiles modified to search for
the dependency in the system (/usr/lib/nx/X11...) instead in the source

[1] It actually is possible to create split packages with a little hack,
but then it is not possible to automatically install the split packages
as dependencies of others - AUR (and tools supporting automated
compilation & installation from AUR like "yaourt") cannot search in the
list of split packages.


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