V Tue, 21 Feb 2012 10:47:25 +0100
Mike Gabriel <mike.gabr...@das-netzwerkteam.de> napsáno:

Hello Mike,

> Hi Milan,
> My suggestion for the red alert sign in x2godesktopsharing is:
>    o there is a list of users that are allowed w/o confirmation to
> share someone's desktop.
>      -> only use this list for view-only access
>    o for full access desktop sharing always let the confirmation
> dialog pop-up o for full access add some extra artwork/information to
> the confirmation dialog
>    o have another icon for full access mode then for view-only mode
> (there is this X2Go eye in blueish colours. This could be red!?)
> With this arrangement we can reuse much of the stuff already there
> and still make the applet more secure (as it makes the user more
> aware of what she/he is doing).
> Any further ideas? Feedback? Criticism?
> If not, do you want to start on any of the above aspects?
> I will open up a branch in Git and I will commit anything you come
> up with. Currently, I feel more like a reviewer and proof-reader but
> that might change was you send your first drafts. Is that ok with you?

I will try to start with the first two points - let's agree to open
a separate branch on the server once I come with some patches, okay?


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