I think what your looking for is the nxproxy...
is you open a X2Go session and run "ps uxa|grep nx" you'll get something like this: /usr/bin/nxproxy -S nx/nx,retry=5,composite=1,connect=,clipboard=1,cookie=cbd55541d784bfc02aead11bb9e576fb,port=30001,errors=/home/theuser/.x2go/S-test2-50-1392932167_stDXFCE_dp24/session.log:50

Which is probably the "window" your looking to embed...

So your best bet would probably be to look at modifying pyhoca into doing the plumbing in the background and replace the bit that starts the nxproxy with what ever magic that gives you what you need to embed it...

On 02/26/2014 04:37 PM, Borys Saulyak wrote:
Hello all,

I am trying to develop X2GO plugin for Remmina and I am missing one
very important feature in pyhoca. I need to be able to "embed" pyhoca
window into another window. Something similar to "-parent" for Xephyr
or "-X" for rdesktop. I tried myself to find how to do it but failed
because my python knowledge is very limited. Do you think it is
something that can be easily added? In case if nobody is interested
would anyone please point me out in the code where the windows is
getting created?

Thanks a lot for your help in advance!

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